Chapter 17- Battle of New York

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Chapter 17- Battle of New York

"Charge!" Obi-Wan shouts. Around him, clones of the 212th and men of the US 3rd Infantry Division charge towards the battle droids, firing their blasters. Behind them, AT-TE walkers and M1A1 tanks fire their main guns into the ranks of the droids, aiming in particular for droid tanks.

The Battle of New York had begun about 16 hours prior with air strikes against New York City. The strikes did cause some damage, but were mostly fended off by F-16s of the New Jersey and Vermont Air National Guards.

Droids had landed in several different spots in New York while American fighters were distracted defending against air attacks on New York City. 300,000 battle droids and 3,200 heavy droid units had been landed on Long Island in order to attack New York City. Another force of 160,000 battle droids and 1,500 heavy droid units had been landed on the shore of Lake Erie in order to attack Buffalo. And a third force of 200,000 battle droids and 2,300 heavy droid units had been landed 50 miles from Albany to attack the city.

Two US divisions and 15,000 clones were protecting Buffalo. A further three US divisions, mainly made of draftees who had had been drafted into the Army following the arrival of the Republic, and a clone legion, are in place to defend Albany. And New York City is defended best of all, with four US divisions, including the 3rd Infantry Division and the prestigious 1st Infantry Division, defending the city, along with the 212th, the 501st, and a third clone legion, the 713th, totaling 25,000 clones.

American air power had been relentless in its efforts to stop the invasion. F-15s flying out of Langley Air Force Base had been patrolling almost non stop over New York, trying to keep droid fighters and bombers out of New York airspace. They had just recently been joined by F-14 Tomcats flying off the aircraft carriers Saratoga and Dwight D. Eisenhower, which were on their way to provide aerial reinforcements. A large strike force of F/A-18s and A-6s is warming up on the decks of the two carriers at this moment.

In the south-eastern part of Queens, Lieutenant Adams of the ASAT team, and Captain Rex of the 501st, look out from their position atop a large apartment building. A large portion of the droid armies have been advancing along the coastline towards Queens. While Obi-Wan, the 212th, the 713th, and the 3rd Division are in the northern part of Queens, defending from the rest of the droid armies, with one of the other US divisions, the 28th Infantry Division, protecting the space between the two groups, and the 101st Airborne Division being held in reserve, the 501st and the 1st Infantry are the only units holding the southern border of Queens. So far, they had taken almost no losses, so they still held a total of about 28,000 men, supported by 122 M1 tanks, 1,000 Humvees, and 120 artillery pieces attached to the 1st Infantry, and 120 AT-TEs.

"I don't know if we can hold on long against that army of clankers," Rex says.

"I agree. We've got 28,000 men and 362 tanks and artillery pieces, plus 1,000 Humvees. And from recon reports, it looks like at least 120,000 droids approaching us, with several hundred of their heavy units. We have the battlefield and air support advantage. But, I'm not sure that will be enough," Adams says.

"Oh, it definitely won't," a chilling voice says behind them.

Adams and Rex freeze. They turn around and see a figure behind them. It's an alien, and from reports from Mace Windu and Anakin, Adams knows exactly who it is.

"Asajj Ventress," he mutters.

Ventress laughs. "You think you can stand against me, human?" she asks.

Adams takes off the jacket of his Navy camouflage, then removes his lightsaber from his belt. He presses the activation button, and the purple blade springs to life. At the same time, Rex, Fives, and two men from the 1st Infantry keep aiming their weapons at Ventress.

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