Chapter 10- Battle of Germany

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Chapter 10- Battle of Germany

In the city of Berlin, the German military high command is intently watching various screens showing the progress of Separatist landing forces. Most of C-9979 transports are coming towards Berlin. But, some are coming down around Hamburg, and some more near the northern part of the border with France. It's clear this battle is not going to just be the Battle of Berlin, but the Battle of Germany.

The Luftwaffe has been trying furiously to whittle down the number of incoming forces. However, their focus has been mostly diverted by escorting Vulture droids. While most of the Vultures have been shot down, along with a few C-9979s, most of the Luftwaffe's fighters it's already scrambled have been shot down.

"How do we stand in readiness?" Generalleutnant Jorg Kuebart, the head of the Luftwaffe, asks.

"The majority of our troops are concentrated around Berlin. The Separatist are likely sending most of their forces to Berlin specifically for that reason. Hamburg is well defended as well. My concern is the force heading for south-west. We don't have as much troops there," General Klaus Naumann responds.

"Well, with luck, we'll get some outside help. Otherwise, we may lose our south-west flank," Kuebart says.

Above ground, eyes across the city can see the C-9979s coming down outside the city limits. Many citizens feel very nervous, wondering if the defenses are going to be up to the task.

Outside the city, the German Army is waiting. Like many armies across the world, the German Army has been recruiting heavily over the last few months. The force outside Berlin shows that, as 50,000 troops wait for the onslaught. Among them are 8,000 clones.

Miles from the city, the C-9979 transports begin touching down. MTT and PAC transports come out, accompanied by plenty of AAT tanks, with a handful of Persuader-class droid tanks. A few transports also let out spider droids and Hailfire missile vehicles.

The MTTs quickly begin releasing their droids. Within a matter of minutes, the various transports have released almost 300,000 B1 and B2 battle droids and hundreds of droidekas.

In the lead AAT, the B1 assigned as the ground commander calls out, "Advance!"

In perfect sync, the droid army begins marching towards Berlin, with almost 2,500 tanks, spider droids, and Hailfires accompanying them.

To the north, near Hamburg, the C-9979s have deposited over 80,000 battle droids, along with about 700 tanks, spider droids, and Hailfires. The third drop force, near the French border, has deposited 110,000 battle droids, along with 1,000 tanks, spider droids, and Hailfires.

In Berlin, the German troops are ready. They have spent days preparing for this battle, and they feel confident despite the overwhelming numbers.

Near Potsdam, only about 2 miles from where a large portion of the droid army has landed, the Germans have prepared a trap. Using the natural landscape, they have dug a number of alcoves in the earth. Alcoves where they have hidden almost 150 Leopard and T-72 tanks, along with 20 large caliber howitzers.

In one of the tanks, a German major is watching the droids approach. "Open fire on my mark," he calls over his radio, which broadcasts to all the hidden tanks and artillery pieces.

The Germans watch as the droid army closes in. As it closes to within half a mile of the closest tank positions, the German major radioes, "Open!"

Within seconds of each other, the Leopards, T-72s, and artillery pieces open fire, concentrating their fire on the AATs and Persuaders. Over 100 AATs and 21 Persuaders explode as they are hit by heavy shells. More Persuaders are hit but only damaged.

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