Chapter 25- Legacy of Terror

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Chapter 25- Legacy of Terror

The sun is beginning to lower in the sky over Geonosis as the Republic and American forces begin a clean up and prepare to leave the planet, except for the occupying force assigned to stay behind.

At the same time, on a cliff overlooking the forces, Luminara is looking down on the men as a gunship lands behind her, and Obi Wan steps out.

"A hard won victory," he says.

"Indeed. And a costly one. And without the Americans and their weapons and aircraft, it would've cost us even more," Luminara says.

"I agree. It was very wise to begin bringing the Terrans into this," Obi Wan says.

"No sign of Poggle, then?" Luminara asks.

"Nothing. We have clones and American troops spread out all over the area, but no hits yet," Obi Wan says.

"I'll go out and find some clue as to where he went," Luminara says as she walks over to her spider bike.

"I'm sure the clones can..." Obi Wan says.

Luminara interrupts, "Poggle has too much information about the Separatist to let him get away."

"Very well, Master Unduli," Obi Wan say.

"Just make sure to leave a bit of strategic planning for me when I come back, Master Kenobi. I'd hate to feel left out," Luminara says with an air of humor before taking off.

(Some time later)

Obi Wan and Colonel Hall make their way onto the bridge of an Acclamator class ship, and see Master Mundi examining of holomap.

"Well. I'm surprised to see you up and about," Obi Wan says.

"After enough time in a bacta tank, one longs for the mundane comfort of star charts," Master Mundi says.

"It seems to have done you some good. Your wound looks almost healed," Obi Wan says.

"I wish I could say the same for most of my men," Master Mundi says.

"On Earth, a couple hundred years ago, there was a military leader, the Duke of Wellington. He once said, 'After a battle lose, the saddest thing is a battle won'," Hall says.

Obi Wan and Mundi both look at Hall before Mundi says, "He was a very wise man."

"Yes," Hall says simply.

Obi Wan then turns to the holomap and says, "Poggle's forces seemed to come from the Northern Hemisphere."

"And where was Master Unduli's last contact made from?" Mundi asks.

ObiWan points as he says, "This region, far to the west, but there's nothing out there, according to our latest intel."

Right then, a beeping sounds. Obi Wan presses a button, and a hologram of Luminara pops up. "I have found a crate lying out in the middle of nowhere. It appears to be a munitions container of some kind."

"It could just be debris," Master Mundi points out.

"I don't think so. There was no battle in this area," Luminara says.

"It looks like Poggle was on a direct course. 11 mark 72, that way," the clone accompanying Luminara says.

"Headed for the Progate Temple," Luminara confirms.

"That makes no sense. Nothing in the temple could have survived the munitions we used in the first wave of our attack. Why would he risk exposure to go there?" Master Mundi responds.

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