Chapter 26- Brain Invaders

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Chapter 26- Brain Invaders

As the sun sets over Geonosis, the area around the collapsed Progate Temple is busy. Gunships are arriving to take the remaining soldiers back to the ships, and a transport has just landed to take the captured Poggle the Lesser up to the fleet.

As two Delta Force commandos lead Poggle onto the transport, Barriss and Ahsoka walk off the transport, having recovered from their earlier ordeal in destroying the factory. Master Mundi follows them off the transport a moment later.

As he walks up to the others, Master Mundi says, "I'm afraid we have a complication."

"Don't we always?" Anakin asks.

"I've just received a distress signal from our forces on Dantooine. Master Windu's defenses held, but at a great cost to his men. A relief team, carrying troops from the Terran nation of Italy, is on its way, but Master Windu's forces need medical supplies immediately. We can obtain these supplies at the medical station near Ord Cestus," Master Mundi explains.

"We're delivering Poggle to Coruscant, and Cestus is not exactly on the way," Anakin points out.

"The Republic must begin debriefing Poggle right away if we're to get useful intelligence from him," Luminara says.

"Master, I suggest we let our Padawans handle the supply mission," Anakin says.

"Whatever needs to be done, Master. I'm happy to help," Ahsoka says.

"As am I," says Barriss.

"I'll come along. You two can't go without adult supervision," Hall says teasingly.

"Hey!" Ahsoka and Barriss both respond, drawing laughs from the others.

"Very well. Take a medical frigate. And after we've delivered Poggle to Coruscant, we'll rendezvous with you for the voyage to Dantooine," Obi Wan says. Everyone nods, and they separate to go about their various tasks.

A short distance away, some clones and Deltas are taking the time to catch a quick nap. As they are napping, behind a boulder, an unnoticed Geonosian brain worm hatches and slithers over to one of the clones, going right up his nose. The clone only moves a little bit, still fast asleep.

A clone commander walks up, sighs, then fires his blaster in the air. The Deltas are on their feet in second, whipping around with assault blasters aimed while the clones also scramble to their feet.

"Sorry, boys. Hope I didn't interrupt any pleasant dreams," the clone says.

"Next time, douse us with water or something so you don't risk us shooting you by accident," one of the Deltas says gruffly.

"Noted," the clone says.

"Got another mission, sir?" one of the other clones asks.

"You bet. We're making a medical supply run to Ord Cestus," the commander says.

A clone groans as he stands up and says, "Ugh. Thought we were bred for battle, not running errands."

However, as he stands up, he finds himself face to face with his commander, who says harshly, "Hey. We were bred to follow orders, Pulsar. You got a problem with that?"

"No, sir. No problem," Pulsar responds.

"That's what I thought. Now move!" the commander orders, and the clones gather up their things and begin to move out

Pulsar looks at the one clone still sleeping and calls, "Scythe. Come on. Up, brother. Up and at 'em."

Pulsar starts to walk away, thereby missing Scythe twitching and writhing on the ground for a few seconds before calming and getting up.

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