Chapter 8- Operation Thunderstrike

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Chapter 8- Operation Thunderstrike

(January 8, 1992)

Anakin stands in the gunship, holding onto one of the overhead straps. Looking out of the gunship, he watches a formation a F-15s fly past him.

It's been a few weeks since the first Separatist ships arrived. The Republic's forces are getting anxious at the time the Separatists are taking, and have asked for reinforcements to be sent to Terra. At the same time, the distribution of new weapons, mainly blasters, among the Terran forces was going very well.

In the meantime, a new problem has arisen. Iraq, Libya, and North Korea, the three countries that voted against alliance with the Republic, and were leaning towards alliance with the Separatists, had taken the news that the Separatists were coming with joy, and had begun mobilizing their militaries. A number of serious border skirmishes between Iran and Iraq and North and South Korea had convinced the UN Security Council that the three countries intended to fight against the rest of the world on the side of the Separatists. And so, the decision had been made by the Security Council that these three regimes were now to be labelled as outlaw regimes, and the Council authorized the use of force to remove them from power, and thereby remove the threat. The mission was codenamed Operation Thunderstrike.

A number of African and European nations had banded together along with Obi-Wan and clones of the 212th to attack Libya and remove Gaddafi, the Libyan dictator, from power. Mace Windu and clones of the 182nd were joining a coalition of Asian nations to attack North Korea and remove the current regime from power. And Anakin and Ahsoka, along with clones of the 501st, were joining the United States and a coalition of Middle Eastern nations to attack Iraq and remove Saddam Hussein and his regime from power.

The plan was simple. Fighter bombers from the United States and Middle Eastern countries will attack Iraq's air defenses and its air force, while gunships and helicopters would transport clones and Terran troops to Baghdad, where they would find Saddam Hussein and his leadership and capture them. A-10 attack aircraft, LAATs, and attack helicopters would be supporting them in Baghdad.

"Ready for this, Ahsoka?" Anakin asks.

"Definitely, Master," she says, a little angry. She had been particularly horrified when she learned of the atrocities committed by Saddam Hussein, and was very eager to see him brought to justice.

Anakin looks down at his GPS. They crossed the border into Iraq from Saudi Arabia 20 minutes ago, and over halfway to Baghdad. Over his earpiece, he can hear radio chatter from various command units. It's rather jumbled, but he can tell that the attacks to distract Iraq's attention from the strike force bound for Baghdad.

Suddenly, the leader of the flight of F-15s close by suddenly pulls up and banks slightly to the left. Then, a missile leaps off the Eagle's launch rail, streaking up out of sight. A few moments later, the sound of an explosion can be heard, and debris begins to fall from the sky.

The rest of the F-15s pull up after their leader. Anakin leans out of the LAAT a bit and looks up, and sees the Eagles, along with several more, engaging in a dogfight with some Iraqi fighters.

"Sir! Fifteen minutes to drop!" the LAAT pilot calls back to Anakin.

"Understood!" Anakin responds.

The force of LAATs, attack helicopters, and A-10s press on towards Baghdad as overhead, the American and Saudi F-15s continue engaging Iraqi fighters attempting to intercept the strike force.

Finally, after almost 15 more minutes, the outer parts of Baghdad appear below them. Anti-aircraft weapons begin firing at them, but attack helicopters move in and fire at the weapons. An advance force of F-16s had already destroyed many SAM launchers, leaving mainly anti-aircraft guns. Now, the helicopters begin destroying them one after another, with only a few losses.

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