Chapter 22- Countdown to War

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Chapter 22- Countdown to War

"So, where are we headed first?" Anakin asks Mace as the Jedi on Terra and other Republic commanders meet in a short briefing in the Pentagon.

"We'll be heading to Geonosis. Reports show that the Geonosians have retaken the planet, and Poggle the Lesser has established at least one new droid factory on the planet. Skywalker, you and Kenobi will heading to the planet with the 501st and 212th. General Mundi is also heading that way and will join you at the planet," Mace says.

"How many forces will we have?" Anakin asks.

"Your clones, and two legions coming with Master Mundi. You all will be targeting the main factory, and other smaller forces will land across the planet. I have also spoken with President Bush, and you will be accompanied by 4,000 men of the Combat Aviation Brigade of the US Army's 101st Airborne Division, and a 40 man squadron from the US Army's Delta Force. The Americans are also letting you take some of their A-10 strike planes with you, and some of their helicopters," Mace says.

"Well, good to know we'll have reinforcements," Anakin says.

"And the men of the 101st Division are some of the best soldiers in America, I hear," Rex adds.

"When do we leave?" Anakin asks.

"Your task force will depart immediately. You'll be taking 6 cruisers and 4 assault ships. You'll also be taking some Terrans with you to train them on how to operate our ships," Mace says.

"Are you sure?" Obi Wan asks, a little cautiously. While he does trust the Terrans, he's a little concerned about just throwing them into space travel and the wider war so quickly.

"Master, you've fought alongside these people already. They were able to handle the Separatist invasion. They can handle this," Anakin says. Obi Wan just nods in response.

"A number of Terran troops will be joining us immediately. The country of Great Britain is deploying a regiment of troops, 5,000 strong, with me to assist me on Dantooine. I also have word that the nation of China is preparing 10,000 men to deploy to our galaxy to be deployed as necessary," Mace says.

"What about our promise to begin training a Terran Jedi Order?" Ahsoka asks.

"Master Plo Koon will remain here. He will meet with planetary leaders and begin searching for Force sensitive children on the planet. He will be relieved by other Jedi as needed," Mace says.

"Careful, we must tread on training Terran Jedi. Corrupted, they could become," Yoda says.

"I do agree. But I sense that, ultimately, it will be to the benefit of both us and the Terrans," Obi Wan says.

The room is quiet for a moment before Anakin turns to Obi Wan and says, "Well, we'd better get ready to leave."

(Hours later)

Anakin makes his way to the Resolute, currently "docked" over Richmond, Virginia. The ship has been repaired following the damage it sustained trying to defend Earth.

The last few days, all members of the Terran Alliance have been preparing for deployment. Most of the smaller countries, with smaller armies, are not willing to send troops to the galaxy, but are making ready to send supplies to help the Republic and Terran forces.

At the same time, the Terran Alliance has already begun work on building up their space-faring military. A number of ARC-170s, Eta-2s, Y-Wings, and V-Wings have brought from the Venators being left to Terra and have been taken apart. Aircraft manufacturers have begun looking over the craft themselves, while engine manufacturers, with Republic technicians helping, have begun work to reverse engineer the engines powering the craft.

Work has also begun on building up the Terran Starfleet. The five Separatist warships have been brought down to Earth, and scrapyards have already begun work on scrapping the warships. Parts and metal from the ships will be used to repair the two captured Lucrehulks, which have been renamed the Volgograd and the Vladivostok to honor the massive casualties the Soviets took in the battles for the two cities.

The Terran starfleet's membership would be slowly built up with sailors from navies across the world, and further volunteers. A command structure has already been established, with an American Admiral by the name of Robert Kelly, who had previously been commander of the United States Pacific Fleet, named as the Commander in Chief of the Terran Starfleet.

The Terran Starfleet, similar to a manner used by navies on the surface, has adopted a ship classification system. Rather than simply give a ship a name, each ship in the Terran Starfleet will be classified with the letters TAS, for Terran Alliance Ship, similar to the USS classification used by the United States or the HMS classification used by the British.

Not only that, but members of the UN Security Council have already issued requests to various shipyards across the world to begin design work on indigenous starships to build up the fleet.

As Obi Wan, Anakin and Ahsoka get onto the ramp to board the Resolute, they hear a call behind them of, "Generals!"

The three turn, and smile to see Tyler Hall, one of the members of the ASAT team. As another measure to prepare for the war ahead, all members of the ASAT team had been promoted. Those who were already officers were promoted to the rank of Colonel, while those who were enlisted have been made officers, with the rank of Major.

"Generals! You weren't planning to leave us behind, were you?" Hall asks. Five members of the ASAT team were being deployed with the Republic forces, while the other seven were to remain behind on Earth.

"Of course not, Colonel Hall. We wouldn't dream of it," Obi Wan says with a smile. He then gestures for him to accompany them aboard the Resolute.

About an hour later, the Resolute slips away from Richmond, with the men of the 101st now aboard. The ship heads up into orbit, where it forms up with the few ships that will be accompanying them to Geonosis. The rest of the task force, under General Mundi, is also en route.

"Admiral, are we ready to get under way?" Anakin says as he walks onto the bridge.

"Yes, sir. We are ready to make the jump to hyperspace as soon as you are," Admiral Yularen responds.

Anakin nods. He then glances out of the window at Earth below. He takes in the sight of the planet one last time, knowing it may be a long time before he is able to return to this wonderful place.

"Make the jump to hyperspace," Anakin orders.

Admiral Yularen relays the order. A few moments later, the ships of the task force jump to hyperspace, beginning the long trip back to the Andromeda Galaxy, and to Geonosis.

Earth has truly entered the Clone Wars.

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