Chapter 48- Sabotage

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Chapter 48: Sabotage

(October 1, 1993, Terran time)

In the cockpit of his SF-15, Colonel Hall smiles as he follows Anakin and Ahsoka down into the atmosphere of Cato Neimoidia. The planet had recently fallen under Separatist attack, and he and a number of Terran pilots, along with a regiment of Vietnamese troops, had been sent with the Republic fleet to reinforce them in their effort to retake the planet.

The ASAT team, following their initial deployment to the galaxy, had received flight training. Initially, it was only meant for them to be able to get to and from different planets. However, they had received air combat instruction from Terran fighter pilots, and were now capable of flying combat missions.

Hall descends into the atmosphere. Almost immediately, he spots several droid tri-fighters closing. He quickly locks up one and fires a missile, destroying the fighter. He then destroys a second with his laser cannons.

Hall pulls into a hard bank to avoid the last one. As he tries to evade it, the tri-fighters fires a missile. The missile homes in on Hall's SF-15.

One thing the Terrans hadn't learned was how to build missiles that could track a target pretty much anywhere like missiles used by the Separatists could. However, what they had found out how to do was how to create countermeasures, similar to flares and chaff, that would work on Separatist missiles.

Hall pulls into a Split S, deploying countermeasures. Sure enough, the countermeasures fool the missile. Hall then reverses course yet again, pointing his nose towards the tri-fighter, and firing a missile, destroying the fighter.

Hall chuckles to himself a bit as he levels his fighter, then begins flying among the city, looking for surface targets.

As he is flying through the buildings, strafing any droid forces he sees with his laser cannons, his radio suddenly comes to life. "Colonel, return to the ship at once. There's been a bombing at the Jedi Temple. We've been ordered back to Coruscant immediately," Anakin's voice says over the radio.

"Understood. I'm on my way back now," Hall says as he pulls his SF-15 into a climb and starts heading back to the ship.

Landing his SF-15 in the main hangar, Hall climbs out of his cockpit and waits for Anakin and Ahsoka to return. Soon, an LAAT flies into the hangar and lands. It's sides open up, and Anakin and Ahsoka hurry out.

"Do we have any more information on the situation?" Hall asks.

"Not much. We had better get back quickly," Anakin says. The three start heading to the bridge as the ship makes the jump to hyperspace.

It doesn't take long before the ship drops out of hyperspace over Coruscant. As soon as the ship drops out of hyperspace, Anakin, Ahsoka, and Hall board an LAAT and head down to the Temple.

As they descend towards the Temple, they see smoke still billowing up from the site of the bombed hangar.

Once on the ground, the three of them make their way into the Temple and up to the Council Chamber.

Once in the chamber, they begin speaking with the Council.

"How could the Separatists infiltrate the Temple?" Anakin asks.

"Worse than that it is," Yoda replies.

"What could be worse, Master Yoda?" Ahsoka asks.

There is a few moments of silence before Mace Windu speaks up and says, "Everything is on the table. We have to look at the possibility that it could've been anyone in the Temple, even a Jedi."

"If a Jedi this is, gone to the dark side they have," Yoda adds.

"I...I can't believe a Jedi would attack a place this sacred," Ahsoka says.

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