Chapter 42- Plan of Dissent

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Chapter 42- Plan of Dissent

Rommel walks beside Krell as the general inspects the captured Umbaran airbase. Several clones follow them.

"The insurgents have stepped up their attack, sir," Dogma reports.

"They want their base back. We cannot let our guard down for a moment. Have all Umbaran security reconfigured and locked down. Interrogate the prisoners if you have to. But I want this base under our complete control, and I don't want excuses," Krell says firmly.

Right then, Rex walks up. "Sir, there a transmission from General Kenobi," he reports.

"I'll take it in the tower," Krell says, and he and Rommel heard for the tower.

Riding a lift up to the observatory at the top of the tower, Krell and Rommel emerge into the room. As they do, the Umbaran holoprojector projects an image of Obi Wan in front of them.

"General Kenobi, do you read me?" Krell asks as the hologram takes shape.

"Congratulations on your capture of the Umbaran airbase, General. It's refreshing to have good news," Obi Wan says.

"There will be time for celebration when we've taken that capital," Krell says.

"Yes, well, I'm afraid that's going to be more difficult than anticipated. Their attacks have increased, and their long range missiles are forcing us to retreat from our positions," Obi Wan responds.

"Seriously? I thought cutting off their arms shipments was the entire reason for taking this airbase," Rommel says.

"It seems they're receiving new arms shipments directly from a supply ship orbiting..." Obi Wan, but his voice suddenly cuts out and the hologram falters.

"General Kenobi?" Krell asks.

In a garbled voice, Obi Wan says, "Having difficult transmit...They must be jamming our signals."

"Are we unable to destroy the supply ship?" Rommel asks.

"We're trying, but with little success. Some of your Terran fighters have gotten very close, but their fleet outnumbers ours and the extra ships we were promised have not yet arrived," Obi Wan responds.

"We'll just have to take that capital regardless of the missiles. My forces will meet you at the rendezvous coordinates," Krell says.

Rommel looks at Krell aghast. Obi Wan seems similarly troubled as he says, "We cannot expect..." But the transmission cuts off again, and this time the hologram fades.

"I'm trying to get him back, sir!" one of the clones in the room says.

"Don't bother. They're jamming our transmissions. We are on our own," Krell says.

"General, you can't be serious as to propose we march right into the path of those missiles?" Rommel asks.

"I am serious, Colonel. If our fleet is unable to destroy that supply ship, we have no other choice," Krell says.

"That will mean certain death for most if not all our men!" Rommel protests.

"There is no guarantee of that, Colonel. I want your men ready to move out along with the clones in 12 hours," Krell responds.

Rommel narrows his eyes, having had enough of Krell. "No," he says.

Krell glares at Rommel. "No?" he questions dangerously.

"If you want to march into death, that's fine. I'll send a few men to accompany the clones, but I'm not going to put my men at risk for your suicide mission. I know I can't force you to stop, but I won't be a part of it. My men will remain on guard the airbase, but they will not be going anywhere out of this base unless the threat of the missiles has been reduced or neutralized," Rommel says firmly.

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