Chapter 45- Escape from Kadavo

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Chapter 45- Escape from Kadavo

The sun is rising over Zygerria. A pair of Zygerrian guards are making patrol around the edge of the main city.

"Did you hear? We've got two Jedi as slaves now," one of the Zygerrians says.

"Yeah, I heard," the other Zygerrian says.

Suddenly, before either of them can say anything, as they're passing an alley, they suddenly feel hands wrap around their heads, covering their mouths. They then feel blades slice across their neck before they know no more.

Behind them, two Delta Force commandos drag their bodies into the alley, hiding them under some trash.

Turning around, they see Colonel Wilson and two more commandos waiting. "What next?" Captain Allen, one of the men who killed the Zygerrians, asks.

"We make for the palace," Wilson says, a very firm look on his face.

The Terrans had only just become aware of the situation of the missing colonists from Kiros. Knowing that slavery was a touchy subject on Terra, the Jedi Council had decided against informing them of what had been discovered regarding the Zygerrians, and also of the mission to Zygerria.

However, when Obi Wan, Anakin, Rex, and Ahsoka were captured by the Zygerrians, the Jedi Council decided to inform the Terrans. Needless to say, American commanders immediately ordered a rescue operation be sent to rescue both the Jedi and the enslaved Togruta. The Terrans were also preparing for an operation to attack Zygerria itself and free as many slaves as possible, though they were meeting with some resistance from the Jedi Council on the matter.

The Terran Joint Command had dispatched a large Delta Force strike force. A total of 32 men, led by Colonel Wilson and Colonel Hall, had been dispatched to Zygerria. Twenty of them had landed a ways away from the capital city and slowly made their way to the city in groups of 4 to avoid being spotted. The remaining 12 were on a shuttle currently waiting in a system close to Zygerria, waiting for intelligence on where the missing Togruta colonists were being held.

"Let's move," Wilson says, and he and the other three move off through the streets, keeping out of sight.

(The palace)

The queen and Anakin walk along one of the terraces on the outside of the palace. "Have you considered my offer, Skywalker? If you swear loyalty to me, I will free your friends," the queen asks Anakin.

"It's not an easy decision," Anakin says.

"Hmm. Curious. I thought it was a Jedi's duty to be placing the needs of others before their own," the queen says as she walks with Anakin and her guards towards an overlook up ahead. None of them see two shadowy figures shadowing them.

As Anakin and the queen round a corner, the Prime Minister, Atai, runs around the corner and says, "My queen. I bring word. Count Dooku is on his way here."

"Hmm. Sooner than anticipated. Make preparations for his arrival," the queen orders.

As Atai hurries off, Anakin says, "So even you have a master."

"Dooku is not my master," the queen says angrily. She then turns to Anakin and says, "Perhaps you should not attend this meeting. Can I trust you not to run away?"

Anakin glares, removing his lightsaber and holding it up to her face. "I don't run away from anything, Your Highness," he says before the two guards aim their blasters at Anakin's head. The queen smirks and takes the lightsaber before walking away.

The guards continue aiming their blasters at Anakin. Then, out of nowhere, there are two sounds that sound like very muffled gunshots, and the two Zygerrians drop dead.

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