Chapter 38- Gungan Attack

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Chapter 38- Gungan Attack

It's been several hours now since the few remaining Republic and Mon Calamari forces were forced to retreat into the caves below the capitol city.

The leadership have gathered for a hologram call with Master Windu and Master Yoda. Kit opens the meeting by saying, "We have lost all contact with clones and Mon Cala soldiers, and we do not know if the Louisville is still intact. The Quarren ambushed us. They were ready to attack long before the peace talks came to an end."

"Desperate, the situation is," Yoda says. However, the transmission begins to break up as he says, "Reinforce your position with clones, we can—"

The transmission begins to break up even more. Urgently, Adams asks, "Master Yoda, please repeat. Are you sending us any reinforcements?"

"You're breaking up," Mace manages to get out before the transmission cuts off completely.

"Are they coming?" Lee-Char asks.

"I don't know," Kit says.

"But they know our situation. They must know to send help," Ackbar says.

"Yeah, but it may take them a while to get here. We're gonna have to get ourselves to the surface and get off this rock," Anakin says.

"Or continue to try and rendezvous with the Louisville," Adams adds.

"I will not leave my people to die," Lee-Char says firmly.

"With all due respect, Your Highness, if we stay, we all die," Anakin says. Lee-Char lowers his head a bit, knowing Anakin has a point.

"We must reach the surface and see if our ship is still there. At the moment, I think that is the more promising option that attempting to find the American submarine," Padme says.

"The Prince will decide our course of action," Ackbar says firmly.

Adams is ready to protest that. Luckily, Lee-Char says, "I think it is best for us to try and escape using your ship."

"As you wish, Your Highness. Follow me," Anakin says. He then begins leading them and the rest of their forces, which just comprise a few clones and SEALs, out of the caves.

(Jedi Temple, Coruscant)

"It'll take us days to outfit another clone regiment for underwater combat, and those American units equipped for underwater combat will not be able to reach the planet for a few days as well," Mace says.

"Days our friends do not have," Obi Wan says.

"Perhaps we should look to armies other than clones or Terrans to help our cause," Yoda says.

"What do you suggest?" Mace asks.

"A suitable ally we must find to help with this mission," Yoda says.

"Yes, an underwater race that has a standing army and is close enough to send help quickly," Saesee Tiin adds.

Obi Wan raises an eyebrow and smiles slightly. "Naboo?"

"Yes. To the Gungans we must look," Yoda says.

"We shall contact them immediately. I will also contact our Terran allies and order them to send those American units to Mon Cala as quickly as possible," Mace says.

(Mon Cala)

The entire team looks up at the droid and Quarren forces circling around the capitol city.

"That's a lot of enemy troops between us and the surface," Padme comments.

"It's no problem. I just hope you're a fast swimmer," Anakin remarks.

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