Chapter 47- The Lawless

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Chapter 47- The Lawless

Obi Wan makes his way into the briefing room along with Captain Adams. It has been just over a week since Obi Wan and Colonel Stasevich's duel with Maul and Savage on Florrum. Since then, there had been no sign of the two, and Obi Wan had begun to allow himself to hope that perhaps Maul had indeed been killed in the crash.

However, Obi Wan had been summoned to the briefing room by Master Yoda. Adams had elected to join him.

As they walk in, they see Yoda and Ki Adi Mundi waiting for them. "You summoned me, Masters?" Obi Wan asks.

Neither Jedi responds. Instead, Master Mundi activates the holoprojector in front of them, bringing up a hologram of Duchess Satine.

"This is a message for Obi-Wan Kenobi. I've lost Mandalore. My people have been massacred and Almec is now the prime minister. I can't explain everything now, but Almec has the support of the crime families. Obi Wan, I need your help," Satine says.

Then, the hologram shows three Death Watch warriors surrounding Satine before the hologram cuts off.

"Your thoughts on this, Master Kenobi?" Yoda asks.

"Satine has been at odds with the Death Watch for years. And according to a report from Padawan Tano, they're no longer in league with the Separatists. If there was a takeover on Mandalore, it was likely an independent act, caused by the Death Watch alone," Obi Wan says.

"Without involvement from the Separatist, this is an internal affair for the Mandalorians. I'm afraid we cannot help," Master Mundi says.

"You're kidding me," Adams says.

"We cannot just hand Mandalore over to these crime families and let Satine become a martyr," Obi Wan adds.

"I'm afraid her decision to keep Mandalore neutral makes this situation difficult," Master Mundi says.

"Understand your feelings I do, Obi Wan. But to take action, support from the Republic Senate we will need," Yoda says.

Obi Wan is quiet before walking out of the room. As he does, Adams says, "Well, the Terran Alliance doesn't. I'll be contacting Joint Terran Command to inform them of the situation, and I can almost guarantee they will take action." He then walks out of the room.

Master Mundi looks over at Yoda. "I am worried. The Terrans have grown increasingly independent and bold. I know that many in the Jedi Order and in the Senate are concerned at how much they have begun to operate separately from the Republic, especially after their invasion and occupation of Onderon," he says, although knowing that the American forces left behind on Onderon have already mostly pulled out after ensuring the peaceful transition of power.

"Understand your concern, I do, Master Mundi. However, perhaps a blessing, they are. Willing to do what the Senate is not, they are. Perhaps a good thing, that is," Yoda says. After a moment's pause, he says, "Control the Terrans, we cannot. Sense that their willingness to do what is needed will make the crucial difference, I do."

Master Mundi doesn't respond, but just stares off into the distance.

(Mandalore system)

The Twilight drops out of hyperspace, Mandalore up ahead. In the cockpit, Obi Wan, dressed in the outfit he wore as a bounty hunter, works with the controls. Adams is sitting in the co-pilot's seat, dressed in the outfit he usually wears when out hunting back home in Virginia.

Obi Wan pilots the ship down to the capital city of Sundari, managing to land it on a landing pad on the outside of the city. As he does, a number of parts in the cockpit spark, and one slightly catches fire.

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