(35) The End

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((Sorry that the end isn't like the best but I was trying to keep it positive and that's the best I could do! Thank you guys for reading this! Even with all of the inconsistent updates))
"Get up! You can't be late!"

I groan in response, pushing Jamie's hand away from my shoulder.

"Just ten more minutes," I mutter, pushing my head farther into the pillow.

"No! This is important, you will be pissed if you're late so get up or I will get the squirt bottle," Jamie threatens.

"I'm up!" I shout, pushing myself up at the threat.

"Took you long enough, now get ready," Jamie huffs, throwing a dark blue floor length dress/suit/pantsuit on me.

I give them a confused look as I push the covers off of myself. "You have got to be kidding me, you don't remember? Daniel and you are meeting your dad for dinner tonight, you have to get up now, it's already 6:30 you have to be there at 7:30."

"I completely forgot, get out!" I shout as I finally get off of my bed.

"Leaving!" Jamie shout back, closing the door behind them as they leave.

Shit, this had been planned for days and I completely forgot about it. One the pizza plex had opened again my life got a lot more busy. I was actually promoted and I have been helping upgrade all of the animatronics, both their design and their abilities.

And mine and DJ's relationship has improved, a lot actually. Since it's been like, what 10 months, a year? Since we've been dating, we have figured out what works for us, this is the healthiest relationship I've been in. And he helps so much with Gregory! I was lucky enough to have the driving program work first try with him so he's been pick up and dropping him off from school. He also, when I'm too tired, cooks dinner for us, which I really don't expect him to do since he doesn't eat.

Jamie and him have been getting along, Gregory and him have been getting along, and he's been getting along with my dad! To be fair, my dad does not know he's an animatronic buttttttt, no one has to tell him, until he mysteriously isn't aging like I am but hey! For now it's all good.

But enough of my thoughts! I really have to get to the dinner!

By the time I've finished taking a shower, and just getting ready, it's already 7:15. Shit I need to be there really soon.

When  I exit my room I notice Jamie and Gregory aren't home, weird but they are probably getting pizza since I'm not going to be home for dinner. Whatever, I don't have time to think about this. I quickly leave, heading towards the restaurant that we're having dinner at.

When I get to the parking lot I notice that it's oddly full, this place is never crowded. I recognize a lot of these cars, some things going on.

I enter the restaurant and tell the host who I'm meeting with. They nod and lead me to the table. I just now, after this week I didn't even remember DJ can't eat?? What's wrong with me??

Fuck fuck okay, this will be fine.

I can't help but panicking even more when I see my dad and Daniel sitting at the table together, talking. My eyes stay fixated on them, trying to gauge how it's going. They haven't noticed me yet, they seem to be enjoying each other's company. I feel bad interrupting but I can't just not sit down. When we are at the table I sit in the only chair left.

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