(15) Security guard part 2

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(Hey! So I am way to scared of talking to people soooo, I'm just not going to be super descriptive when it comes to how Djmm looks. Thank you guys for understanding)

"Why didn't you tell me you were awake?" I ask him, frustrated.

"I knew you'd stop singing if I told you, so I didn't," he sounds proud of his decision.

"You're an asshole you know?" I huff acting upset with him when honestly I am glad he's awake to talk too. "what do you think of the security guard?" I ask him not wanting to dwell on the topic of my singing.

He doesn't answer for a minute, seeming reluctant to say anything. "She is fine," he's obviously lying.

"Something about her seems off, I don't know if I'm just being paranoid or if something is up with her," I say while turning my attention back to my work.

"Me and Mini music don't like her, she messed with his programming," DJ admits, causing me to stop my work again.

"Did she have authorization to do that?"

"No, she just took him one day and then he started acting strange till you fixed him," he tells me, "but I'm sure it'll be fine now that you're here."

"I should tell my boss about that, and check on the other animatronics to see if their programming is messed up," I knew something was weird with her but I didn't expect her to be tampering with the animatronics. Come to think of it I haven't seen Mini music man in awhile. "Has mini music man been okay? She didn't mess with him again has she?"

As DJ goes to answer we hear footsteps coming from behind me. Shit. I turn slightly to see if it is Vanessa. Of course it is.

"Hey Vanessa," I greet her with a fake smile.

"Hi, (y/n), who were you talking to?" She asks as she walks closer.

"I was talking to DJ, he keeps me company while I'm working on his second body," I tell her. How could she not know I was talking to him when he is literally right here?

"Ah, right," she doesn't seem comfortable with the idea of me talking to a robot.

"I heard Jamie asked you out on a date, when are you guys planning on going?" I ask trying to make conversation.

"I think he said tomorrow after his shift," she answers.

"I know it was probably an accident but, Jamie uses they/them pronouns, not any others," I correct her trying to be polite about it.

"Jamie isn't two people," ah yes, of course she had to be fucking transphobic.

"Yeah, but Jamie uses they/them pronouns, which you can use for a singular person. If you don't know someone's gender you would say they forgot their jacket," I say, again trying to be polite not wanting to be rude.

"Okay," she sounds annoyed.

"Anyways, how has your shift been so far?" I ask turning my attention back to working.

"It's been long, Monty messed up his room again," she says with a sigh. Monty messed up his room? I don't spend that much time with him but I know he isn't the kind of guy to do that for no reason.

"Did something happen?"

"He won't tell me what's wrong so I don't know," she answers.

"I'll talk to him before I leave and see if there is a bug in his programming," I say glancing up at her than back to my work. I notice she is staring at Dj with a cold gaze.

"He's fine, you aren't his main engineer so you shouldn't mess with him," she says her eyes shifting to me when speaking.

"I'll ask his engineer to check him then," I am getting annoyed it sounds like she is just trying to disagree with me. I don't care what she says I'm going to check in Monty before leaving.

"I have to check in the daycare," she sounds annoyed now.

"Okay, I'll see you later then," I say goodbye. She started walking away before I was even half way through my words.

I sigh before looking up at Dj, "im glad she's gone, it felt like the conversation was dragging on. I'd much rather talk to you."
He chuckles and nods in agreement,"I thought she'd never go away."

"So what were we talking about before Vanessa showed up?" I ask both Dj and myself.

"We're were talking about Mini music," Dj reminds me.

"Right, has she messed with him again? I haven't seen him in quite awhile," I ask pausing my work for a moment since my hands have started to hurt.

"He hasn't been around in awhile, I think he's in the vents again," Dj tells me causing me to sigh.

"I'll check the vents again on one of my days off," I say as I start to work again.

The night keeps going and we keep talking before it's time for me to leave.

"Just keep an eye on Vanessa for me when I'm not here okay?" I request as I start to put everything away.

"Will do Pumpkin," he replys. I turn around to him once everything was put away.

"I'm going to check on Monty now, I'll see you tomorrow," I say goodbye and start to leave, running a hand over his cheek as I pass him.

It takes awhile but I eventually get to rock star row. I never have to come over here so I kinda got lost a couple of times. I walk past the rooms until I get to Monty's. I notice that his window is covered and I can hear him destroying stuff through the wall. Something must have messed him up. I knock on his door hoping he was able to hear it over the noise. I have a high enough security badge to get into his room without him letting me in but it's his room so it feels wrong to go in without permission.

He doesn't seem to have heard the knock so I knock again, this time harder. "Monty?" I call out trying to get his attention again. The noise stops in his room and it stays that way for a moment before I hear his heavy footsteps coming to the door.

His door opens and I see him glaring down at me. I look past him to see his room really is destroyed, it's quite the mess.

"Are you okay Monty?" I ask turning my gaze back to the animatronic.

He shoots steam from his nose directly in my face as he answers, "what's it to ya?"

"Did Vanessa mess with your programming?" I ask ignoring the fact he didn't answer my first question. He seems hesitant, I think he might be over heating. "Monty?"

He still doesn't answer after a minute so I put a hand on his chest seeing if he was over heating. He isn't,  there has to be a problem with his programming.

"Can I come in your room for a minute?" I ask and instead of answering he shifts back into his room so I can come in. I walk over to his vanity which is one of the only things not destroyed. I look around for a minute and find a pen and I use a ripped up piece of cloth to write on.

I leave it on the desk when I'm done, it reads 'Vanessa was messing with Monty's programming'.  "Bye Monty, I hope you are back to normal soon," and with that I leave his room the door closing behind me. Hopefully he'll leave the note alone.

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