(30) Adoption

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((Just reminding you guys I don't proof read, I will try and fix the grammar mistakes but I'm also lazy lol))

It's been a few days since the night at the pizza plex. Since that night Vanessa has gotten arrested for assaulting Jamie and some other stuff. I'm not exactly sure what she's being charged with. Jamie is still in the hospital but they are doing better! The doctors have said they'll be released in a day or two, which gives me enough time to set up their new room.

I decided because I'm adopting Gregory that we would get a new apartment. I had Jamie help pick out a apartment but didn't tell them why, I don't want to tell them about Gregory until it's official cause what if something goes wrong? I'm sure they'll love him though. But that's besides the point right now. We picked out an apartment we both love so I told them I'd set up their room so they won't have to deal with it since they are still recovering.

Speaking of their recovery, it's going pretty smoothly, the doctor said that they'll have noticeable scars which Jamie thinks are cool anyways, their only restrictions for now are they can't lift heavy stuff for a month or two, and they obviously can't put a lot of pressure on their chest until it's fully healed. They have healed over so it's not nonstop bleeding anymore, they'll just have to clean them daily till they are fully healed. Which isn't as bad as it could be, they got lucky with how well they are recovering.

Thankfully I was able to get most of the apartment set up already. Its a lot bigger than mine and Jamie's last apartment so I ended up shopping for new furniture, keeping the old furniture as well. It turned out pretty nice, the only rooms not done are Jamie's and Gregory's. I want Gregory to be able to pick out his own decorations for his room. That's right! I'm picking up Gregory today! I turn on my phone and check the time only to notice I should have been out the door ten minutes ago.

Fuck me, this is not a good start.

Getting in my car I start the drive to the temporary foster house Gregory had been placed in. The drive isn't to long but I wanted to be there early but, I fucked up.

As I park the car I check the time and see I have a minute to get in there to be on time. I quickly check in my rear view mirror that I look okay before stepping out of the car. I make my way to the door, knocking just as the minute passed.

It takes a few seconds before the door opens revealing a woman. She looks perfect, her hair, her makeup, her clothes, her figure, all perfect. If I wasn't in love with a fucking animatronic I would definitely shoot my shot with her. Than again, right now probably isn't the perfect time to flirt with someone.

It takes me a second before I realize I'm starring, "uh, sorry I'm (y/n), I'm here to pick up Gregory?" I ask, avoiding eye contact from the embarrassment.

"Oh! That's right, I forgot you were coming," she smiles slightly before gesturing for me to come in. I hesitantly step through the door way into the surprisingly messy home. By her looks it would seem she has every thing put together but it's harder to tell with the state of the house.

She closes the door behind me before leading me past a bunch of messy looking kids. "I'll go get him, be back in a moment," she dismisses herself leaving me alone. That only last for a second before kids start to show up, just staring. I guess I know how it feels now.

They quickly lose interest and seperate, going back to what they were doing before. From their looks they don't seem unhappy. I guess you can't blame kids for being messy,  they are kids after all. I've never had to really deal with a kid before the closest I've had was a pet. Which they are hard to take care of on their own. I don't even know the first thing about parenting what was I thinking? I adopted a child I hardly know because why? I know what a piece of shit his dad is? Someone with more experience should have taken him but now he's stuck with me.

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