(34) Weeb

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((Thanks to ACreepyPastaSimp for the name suggestion!!))

"Ha, so uhm this is," I pause, trying to think of a name to use for him. 

"D-," DJ starts, looking over at me. 

"Uhm Daniel! His name is Daniel. He came over to visit me," I say quickly. 

Jamie gives me an annoyed look, "he's going to be staying with us, in my room."

"Can we talk for a second?" Jamie asks. 

"Yeah, guys why don't you two talk for a bit?" I suggest, panicking on the inside. 

DJ gives me a sympathetic smile and brings Gregory back into my room. 

"Why are you lieing to Gregory?" They ask as soon as the door closes. 

"I just want him to have a normal life, I know you weren't there the night that I met Gregory but I'd say it'd be pretty hard to be okay with animatronics after being almost killed by them," I answer, trying to defend myself. 

"Just because you don't want him to know doesn't mean he doesn't deserve to know. You should have talked to us before even making another animatronic to keep here, where not only you live! All of us have been attacked by animatronics, I was in the hospital because of one," Jamie states, getting more upset with each word. 

"I'm sorry, I just thought that, that he could help us, help me. I have to watch Gregory and you, I have to work so we can keep living here, I just wanted some help. But I understand I should have asked you, both you and Gregory before making him. I am really sorry, if you don't feel comfortable with him staying with us than I can sell him or deconstruct him," I apologize to Jamie. 

Jamie sighs, rubbing their temples, "no, don't get rid of him. I understand why you made him but next time, please talk to us beforehand, and tell Gregory that Daniel is an animatronic."

"Right okay," I nod in agreement, "again I'm so-" I start but am interrupted. 

"Don't apologize again, you're fine, just go tell him," Jamie dismisses me. 

"Okay, love you," I tell them, heading toward my bedroom.

"Love you too," Jamie responds as I open the door to my room. 

As I look in the room I see Gregory messing with Daniel's hair. 

"What are you two doing?" I laugh. They both look over at me in the doorway. 

"Gregory was doing my hair since it was messy," he answers, using finger quotations when saying messy. 

"Ah well, I have something to tell Gregory," I day directing my gaze upward towards Gregory. 

"Did I do something wrong?" He asked worriedly. 

"No no, of course not. I just need to tell you something about Daniel," I say with a pause, looking down to DJ and than back to Gregory, "he is an animatronic, I should have told you but I didn't want to bring up anything related to animatronics because of the night at the pizza plex."

"Oh," Gregory looks slightly relieved, "I don't care."

I smile slightly at that, "could you tell he is an animatronic?" 

"No, he looks like a person, I want to make robots one day," Gregory says, going back to doing Daniel's hair. 

"I could help you make robots, if you want, not right now obviously since you're doing Daniel's hair and I can't interrupt that again," I smile towards Dj.

"Why don't you do (y/n)'s hair next?" Daniel suggests with a smirk. ((If no hair he suggests to do your make up))

Gregory's eyes light up as he turns to look at me. "Can I?"

"Of course, but don't you want to finish your show with Jamie?" I ask.

"We can watch it after I do your hair/makeup," Gregory dismisses, going back to Daniel's hair. 

After a while Gregory finishes doing both Daniel's and my hair/makeup before he left to watch tv with Jamie again. Once Gregory had left it was just me and DJ in the room again.

"I don't think I'll be able to get used to calling you Daniel," I tell him sitting on my bed. 

"You picked the name, pumpkin, you don't like it?" He asks, moving from his spot on the floor to sit on my bed with me. 

"I don't know, it just sounds weird when I'm used to calling you Dj," I explain, scooting closer to him and leaning my head on his arm. 

"You don't have to call me Daniel, you were the one that wanted a different name for me," Daniel says, wrapping his arm around me, landing my head on his chest. 

"Yeah, cause most people don't go around being called Dj, but if you want to stick with Dj we can."

He hums before responding, "Why don't we try it out, if it ends up not fitting we can just go back to calling me Dj."

"Okay we can do that," I agree to his plan. "But now what should we do? It'd be kind of boring just sitting here."

"You don't like talking to me?" He chuckles. 

"No, no I do, I love talking to you, I just wanted to know if there is anything else you want to do? We could shop for some clothes for you since I didn't get that much before I finished making you. Or we could do something else if you want."

"I don't want to spend your money, why don't we do something that doesn't cost money?" He suggests without giving any real suggestion of what we could do. 

"Oh! I could show you some shows I watch? We could watch anime together! I think the Chainsaw Man anime just released the first episode, I've been waiting for it to come out!" I suggest excitedly. 

"Didn't know my partner was such a weeb," he laughs.

"Well I am so, you have to deal with it, now please watch it with me?" I ask giving him puppy dog eyes. 

He cups my cheek, "How could I say no to you?" He smiles, "set it up."

"Thank you," I quickly respond, kissing him before pulling away and finding my tablet. 

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