(19) Is something wrong?

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(Warnings:slightly sexual towards the end(no sex happens but the warning is here for a reason)
(Pic is my height compared to Dj)

I take a second to compose myself before walking down the hall towards the elevator I need to go down. After a moment I get to the stage and I glace and DJ noticing him already staring at me. I quickly look away and quicken my pace to the elevator. I feel his eyes on me until I'm out of his line of sight.

As I get into the elevator I push the button for the floor I need before dragging my hands down my face, "I'm such a loser," I mutter to myself before my arms return to my sides as I wait to get to my desired floor.

The elevator stops after a few seconds and the door opens. I make my way out into the kid infested area and head to my boss's office while doing my best to avoid the children running and screaming.

I eventually make it to her office after a minute or so and I knock. After a second I hear a muffled come in so I open the door. I see my boss sat at her desk while her assistant is behind her pouring coffee. It's obvious that work wasn't being done a moment before from the messy hair on the assistant's head. It's not my business.

"(Y/n), do you need something?" She asks fixing her clothes slightly.

"I just wanted to let you know DJ is finished and functional," I answer, trying to keep my eyes focused on her and not her assistant fumbling to fix her skirt. The boss's eyes light up at the news, "would you like to come see him?" I ask.

"Yes, excuse me for a few minutes Amber, I'll be back," she informs her assistant as she stands up from her chair and walks towards me. She fixes her clothes the best she can while walking and gestures for me to lead the way.

I tell her about Djmm's features while we walk," he has small speakers hidden throughout his body along with a bigger one in his mouth but he sounds the same as if you were talking to a normal person. He has a panel on his lower back that has the on and off switch and he has a port on the back of his head so if we need to transfer his information to a computer or something else it should be relatively easy to find." I obviously leave out the fact that it has a security wall since she hadn't approved of that.

"He has a portable charging stand since he is to tall to fit in the other charging stations, it is just a flat surface for him to stand on. On top of that his shoes hold extra charge so if he runs out his shoes will allow him to keep going for 2 more hours," I tell her about to continue but she stops me.

"It has removable shoes?" She asks.

"Yes ma'am, all of his clothes are removable so they can be swapped for different events if needed," I answer, trying not to sound too proud of myself. She nods and doesn't say anything else as I explain his other features until we exit the elevator.

As soon as we're in view DJ's eyes are glued to me. I try to ignore it as we head to the door to get backstage. "Does it always stare at you?" My boss asks.

"N-no no, he uhm I told him you'd be coming so he was probably just trying to find you," I tell her with a nervous laugh as I open the door backstage.

I let boss lady in first and follow after her. I hear her gasp as I close the door behind myself causing me to look up. I quickly catch up to her by jogging slightly to get to her and my eyes drift to what she is looking at, which obviously was DJ. But I didn't expect him to have his shirt unbuttoned.

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