(31) New roomate

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((I was gonna make this longer but I'm so tired so I'll try to post note this week but no promises, considering I suck at writing when I say I will lol))

By the time we got home both me and Gregory are exhausted. Both of us are more comfortable around each other which is good, considering this is the most we've actually hung out together. Luckily, I have a week off while the pizza plex is under investigation, sooo I get to hang out with Gregory the whole week, and set everything up for him, and Jamie in the apartment. 

But right now, Gregory is sat on the couch watching some kids cartoon on netflix while I'm in the kitchen making dinner for the two of us. The time between the time we got home and now was spent showing Gregory around the apartment and setting up some stuff in him room, we both agreed we'd do the rest tomorrow.  

Thinking of tomorrow, I need to get Jamie's room set up tonight so I can focus on Gregory's tomorrow. I also have to get him registered at a school, find him a therapist, and so much other boring but very important stuff. But those things I can't do until everywhere starts opening. How am I going to even get Gregory to school and back when I'm working? While Jamie's injured there isn't much I can do. Having someone else would be super helpful right now… 

DJ pops in my head, but he's obviously not a viable option at the moment. I can't just bring a huge spider or a nine foot tall animatronic to the apartment. I could make another, three dj's? I don't know if I could handle that many. 

"Shit," I mutter under my breath as I shake myself out of my thoughts looking at the cut on my finger. I set down the knife in the sink and walk towards the bathroom, thoughts of making another high scale animatronic swaying in my mind as I clean and up a band aid on the small cut. I guess I could make another, shorter, more human looking Dj, it'll be expensive, and I'd have to somehow make him different so I could actually like he isn't just an animatronic, so other people couldn't tell. 

The little voice in my brain telling me not to is ignored as I make plans of how to build the third animatronic in my head while making dinner. 

Once dinner was finished I served both me and Gregory, bringing the plates and utensils to the couch. It won't be an everyday thing but, it's nice to do stuff like this every once in awhile. I hand him his plate and fork before sitting down next to him. The rest of the night went the same, we talked a bit but mostly just watched the cartoon he had picked out earlier. Which actually is interesting enough that I'd watch it in my own. Around 9:30 I decided it's an appropriate time to have him go to bed, considering I have a lot of stuff I need to do tonight and he has stuff to do tomorrow. 

"Gregory, I think you should head to be-" before I let myself finish I notice he's already passed out. I smile slightly seeing as he looks so peaceful. I push myself off the couch before carefully picking him up. Avoiding anything in the way, I bring him to his new room, awkwardly holding him with one arm as I move the bedding before setting him down to sleep. I tuck him in before giving him one last glance and closing the door. 

Right, first order of business is coffee. By the morning Jamie's room is done, and I've got some of the endoskeleton for Dj done, have his torso done and I added driving into his programming, which will definitely have to be tested before I let him drive on the road. 

This model is going to be 6'5, have black hair and a natural skintone. His face obviously won't have the same paint job, he'll look human, hopefully, that is the goal, I also want him done as soon as possible. Since Jamie is coming home today and I'll need help watching Gregory if I'm taking care of Jamie. 

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