(27) The end?

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The walk to the west arcade wasn't hard at all, plus the thought that there are only two animatronics after getting Monty definitely kept me going. When I took this job I never thought I'd have to run away from eight foot robots. 

But I love my job, the only thing I can really complain about is the fact that I am definitely not being paid enough for this. Not that the owners really know what's going on, since I just found out as well. Whatever, I'm still going to complain about it. 

As we exit the elevator to the dance floor and the west arcade one think is completely noticeable. The lights are all off, which they shouldn't be considering the lights in the rest of the pizza plex are on. 

"Well shit," I sigh,"I left my tablet in parts and services, the lights are off and I don't even know how we'll get Monty in the elevator without being attacked by him."

"I can handle him," Djmm says, by his tone its obvious he is smirking. I did make him bigger than the others he should be able too. 

"Fine, but you'll have to help me turn the power back on, cause there are three switches and we can't exactly get Monty with the lights off," I tell him as I make my way to the switch on the wall, next to DJ's main body. As soon as I flip the switch the lights on the dance floor turn on and DJs main body goes back through the pipe tunnel thing. "Did you do that?" I question, turning to look at DJ. 

"No i-" I interrupt him. 

"Disconnect yourself from your main body, we do not want you to be completely controlled by Vanessa," I demand of him. 

He doesn't respond, holding his head as though he is in pain. After a second he lifts his head back up, "I've disconnected," DJ responds. He seems to have realized how bad the situation truly is at the moment. 

"If I remember correctly there are two switches downstairs and one upstairs, one is in the men's bathroom, so we should get that one first," I tell him, grabbing him by his hand. I feel a bit foolish doing so but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared shitless right now. 

He doesn't say anything about it as we jog to the bathroom. Once in the restroom I let go, going to the closet towards the back, I open the door and quickly pull the switch. I close the door to the closet only to see a huge hand reaching into the room before backing out and looking in. Obviously it's Djmm's main body, it couldn't really be anyone else. 

Looking over at DJ I see his nose scrunched up slightly as though in pain again. I grab his hand and run around to the other door, looking out of it I see DJ still trying to get through the other door. I quickly pull the smaller version of him out through the other door, running away from the bathrooms and out of his sight. 

"Are you okay? You don't look good," I ask DJ concerned. 

"I'll be okay, I'm probably just not used to being detached from myself," he gives me a small, forced smile. 

As concerned as I am, we don't have a lot of time to fix this problem, "can you get the switch upstairs? I'll get the one down here," I tell him. He gives an unsure look before nodding and heading in the direction of the stairs. 

I never expected DJ to mess up, but it isn't his fault, I can't be upset at him, and I'm not. But right now I need to focus on turning the lights back on before DJ or Monty finds me. 

My eyes are kind of adjusted to the dark by now so I can see the outlines of the arcade machines. Great, so at least I won't trip myself on those. I start walking, away from the walls to avoid Dj while trying to keep as quiet as possible so as to not get Monty's attention. 

Kind of hard to find something on the wall when not against the wall but I can't really do anything else if I want to avoid dieing. I feel my breath hitch as I feel heavy footsteps approaching from behind me. 

Maybe he doesn't see me? 

The huff followed by steam against my neck says otherwise. Without hesitation I start sprinting away from the animatronic. 

It's so dark I don't know where I'm going

I keep running into things

What do I do? 

DJ won't be able to hear me from here

I'm going to die

I don't want to die

I wish DJ was here

I wish I was been there for Jamie

I'm going to die with so many regrets

The footsteps behind me are so heavy,  Monty's saying something I can't even register what he's saying right now in my panicked state of mind. 

I hope Djmm finds us before Monty catches me. This is so much scarier than when Roxy was chasing me. DJ was with me for that, but I sent him off for this. I'm so stupid. 

I feel my foot catch on one of the arcade machines. I fall, landing on my knee and hands. Monty is right behind me. I turn my head slightly just to see his faintly growling eyes. 

I'm done for. 

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