(25) Gregory

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((Sorry this took so long to come out! I ended up doing a lot of school work and hand some other stuff I had to do last week but hey! Here's a chapter, I'm writing another one as soon as I post this!))

We get to a safe area, Monty and Chica lost sight of the four of us. I'm scared shitless so I have no idea how horrified that kid must be. 

"Set me down Dj," I demand, from the look on his face, he is debating on setting me down or not, "seriously."

He sets me down and I instantly turn to Freddy. "You need to let the kid out, it's not safe for him to be in there," I tell the bear. 

"He does not want to come out," Freddy says after a moment, his ears twitching. 

"Tell him he needs to, we need to get him somewhere safe, we don't know if you are going to get the virus, that we hardly know anything about, so until we have a better understanding of the virus, he needs to get out." After a minute or so, Freddy's hatch opens and a kid hops out. 

He doesn't seem as nervous as a normal kid would be. "What's your name?" I ask, crouching down to speak at eye level with him. 

"Gregory," he answers, looking down at the ground instead of at me. I understand why he'd not want to talk to me but in this situation, we really don't have a choice. 

"How'd you get in the pizza plex after hours?" I question, I know its not the best time to be talking to him, especially when I should be figuring out how to take care of the animatronics but I need Gregory to trust me so I can keep an eye on him. 

"When Freddy messed up on stage I crawled in his stomach," Gregory explains as he fidgets with his hands nervously. 

"Your parents must be worried about you," I say with a sigh, "we'll have to make sure you get out of here unharmed so your parents won't worry more than they are now."

Gregory freezes in spot, his eyes getting watery, "My Dad didn't even notice when I left."

I gently run my hand over his shoulder and upper arm, trying to comfort him. "Do you have your dad's phone number?"

He nods, calming down a bit. He gives me his dad's number as I type it in my phone. It's pretty late to be calling someone but it's best if I can tell Gregory's parents that they for one, suck, and two that he's okay. His dad picks up after a few rings. 

"What?" A voice asks from over the phone, very obviously annoyed. That sounds like Evan, but it can't be right? 

"You're Gregory's dad right? I just wanted to let you know he was left in the pizza plex but he's okay," instead of getting a response I get hung up on. 

With a sigh I put my phone away and turn my attention to Gregory again. "Is your dad's name Evan?" I ask, getting a nod in response, "do you know your mom's number?" 

"No," Gregory says quietly, clenching his shirt and messing with the hem of it nervously. 

"Okay, well, instead of getting you home, we're gonna stay here once the plex is open and I'll try and get you to your Mom instead," I tell him. I know Evan is divorced so hopefully Gregory's mom is better. 

Going down to where Jamie was attacked isn't an option right now, I need to keep Gregory as safe as possible while figuring out what's wrong with the animatronics. my best bet for now is to avoid Vanessa and to distract Gregory while I get animatronics to parts and services. This would be so much easier if it was during the day, but at least I'm here with Gregory, he could have been killed if I wasn't here. 

"Okay, so the plan is to hide you, Gregory, and get the animatronics to parts and services. I should be able to fix all of them as long as I can get them sat down and calm enough to fix their coding," I explain, "Freddy can you find Gregory somewhere, other than your stomach hatch to hide? Me and DJ are going to try and find a safe way to get the others down to parts and services."

Freddy nods, trying to seem serious but that's kind of hard when he's a giant cute bear. He takes Gregory along with him to try and find a safe place for them to hide. I turn my attention to DJ, "so we should probably try and find Roxy first, she'll be able to help us go the others."

The two of us think of a plan on how to get the animatronics safely. We end up with a really shity plan but it's still a plan. I'll be the bait, we find one of the animatronics and have them chase me down to parts and services. I'm not that fast but hopefully I'll be able to outrun them, if I can't we agreed that Dj would either try and restrain them or pick me up and keep running. 

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