(12) Doll

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(First off so sorry that this is late and short but I have been playing stardew valley nonstop these past few days  and second I'm changing the upload schedule again cause I have other things I have to do so this book will get new chapters on Sundays and Thursdays)
"(Y/n)!" Dj says happily as he notices me walk in. 

"Dj," I say glaring at him. 

"Whoa what's wrong doll?" He asks causing me to pause. 

"Doll?" I feel my cheeks heat up but I shake it off, "care to explain why you posed for a stupid picture for Jamie?"

"They said you would want a picture," he laughs, "plus you look cute when your sleeping."

"First off, why would you believe them if you didn't know I knew them and second that sounds super creepy," I cross my arms. 

"You obviously do know them, since you knew their name so what's the problem?" He asks smugly. 

"The problem is now they are going to tease me about it and I don't want to deal with that," I complain while making my way back stage to start working. 

He doesn't respond but he does turn around to face me backstage causing the floor to vibrate and basically cause a mini earthquake. 

"So Dj now that I'm done scolding you, what would you like to talk about?" I ask as I start to get everything set up to make. 

"You call that scolding?" He asks while laughing. This fucking spider. 

"You are so fucking annoying now what do you want to talk about?" I huff. 


"Me? What about me?" I ask as I start to work on making the torso. 

"What are your interests, hobbies, what kind of music do you like?" He lists off a few more things. 

"Uhm, well my hobbies are basically doing what I do here, I like programming and video games, but I'm sure you'd prefer to talk about music," I say pausing for a moment to think of my favorite bands, "my favorite band is probably, The front bottoms."

"The front bottoms? That's a weird band name," Dj laughs, I glare at him before I hear music starting from his speakers, of course The front bottoms. 

"We don't have to listen to them, I'm not sure if you'd like them or not," I tell him feeling a bit embarrassed about my music taste. 

"You could connect me to your phone and choose the music from there," he suggests. 

"Hell no I'm not giving you access to my phone," I quickly shut down his offer. 

"What do you have on your phone that you don't want me seeing?"

"Nothing you need to know about, it's just embarrassing stuff," I tell him. 

"If you don't connect me to your phone you have to sing to one of the songs I put on," he says.

"And what's going to make me do either of those?" I question him looking up at him. 

"I'll block the door."

"There is more then one door."

"I'll pick you up and keep you here."

"You can't do that."

"Why not?"

"I could turn you off or just run somewhere you can't reach."

"That seems like a lot of trouble for just keeping me from your phone."

"Well I have stuff I don't want you seeing, and I'm not going to sing for you, my voice is shit," I tell him. "So instead of that why don't you put on music you like and we keep talking?"

He reluctantly does so, putting on some random music that I don't know and we continue to talk before the topic comes to what he usually does when the pizza plex is closed. 

"I sleep, you've seen me sleep before," he answers. 

"Yeah but what is it like sleeping for you? Cause humans have dreams so what happens in your head?" I ask. 

"I dream of you, doll," he says flirtatiously. 

"I highly doubt that," I say in responds giving him a small laugh, "so seriously do you dream?"

"No, it's more like a power saving mode so it doesn't take as long to charge," he explains, a bit disappointed. 

"Interesting, that's what I thought but I wasn't sure," I tell him before trying to think of something else to ask him as I work. "Are you interested in anyone?"

With a chuckle he responds, "why you wanna know?" 

"I don't know, I was just asking," I say trying to hide the fact I'm still scared that he might like Evan, what if he ignored Evan cause he felt pity for me being alone? 

"Hmm, there is one person I am interested in," he answers. 

"Are they human?" I ask receiving a nod in response. "Do I know them?" 

"Maybe, but why are you so worried about it?" 

"I'm just curious, like I said before," I say while checking the time on my phone. "I've got to go soon." 

"Are you sure I can't keep you?" He asks jokingly. 

"Sorry Dj, I wish I could but you are very annoying," I tell him with a smile as I start to clean everything up. 

"So you're in love with me?" 

"No, im not in love with a giant spider," I tell him, yeah I definitely don't love him I swear. 

"Aww but (y/n) I love you," he whines. 

"Of course you do," I say sticking my tongue out at him, "I'll see you tomorrow," I tell him before leaving him. 

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