(1) Pumpkin

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I've been interested in animatronics since I was a little kid. I had grown up going to the many pizzerias linked to Freddy and his friends and I always wanted to make something as cool as them. 

I have been making robots since I was a kid, now a lot of them were not so good but years and years of practice I got better. I've gotten so good that my dream is finally coming true. I am becoming an engineer for the Freddy Fazbear pizza plex. 

I've only been working here for a week at this point, mainly on the staff bots and rarely Chica. It has already gotten boring sadly. I had dreamt of this for so long and the dull work that I've been doing. I mean Chica is nice, but I don't get much time with her. It's always small things and only when everyone else is busy. 

But today, it was only me and one other engineer, which is great. It's giving me the opportunity to prove that I can work on more then just the small things. Though of course I don't want the animatronics to be hurt, but at the same time if I want to be given bigger jobs I need something to happen to prove they can trust me with the important jobs. 

"Ah this is so boring," I huff messing with a fidget cube. I guess this is why there is only me and one other person today. The whole place is rented out for some stupid rich kids birthday, they have the whole plex to them and their friends. I never got a birthday like that, damn comparing my life as a kid to some rich family isn't the best idea. Whatever, I couldn't care less, just hope something happens so I'm not just sitting around all day. 

"(Y/n) we need to to come down to the dance floor, the DJ is overheating we need to to figure out why," I hear a voice over the walkie talkie attached to my hip. 

I instantly shoot up from my seat in parts and services and grab my portable toolbox. "On my way," I say back into the walkie talkie, trying not to sound as excited as I feel. I haven't had the chance to work on an animatronic as big as DJ music man before and its so exciting. 

I make my way to the first floor, making sure not to forget the dance pass needed in order to get to my destination. It takes awhile to get there, the pizza plex really is super big. But I eventually get there, feeling the anxiety and excitement missing in my stomach as I enter the room. I can't help but hold my breath as I turn the corner. 

The room is empty beside the giant spider who is laying down on his stage. God he is way bigger then expected. {;) } I walk around the stage to look at his face. They didn't say if he was still active or not so I guess I should check. 

"Hello?" I ask, a bit louder then I would usually be speaking but it's hard to tell how his sensors are when I haven't worked on him before. 

I see the animatronic shift slightly, turn his head so he is looking directly at me. "Hey Music man, I was called in to check on your system to see what's causing you to overheat, is that okay?" 

He doesn't answer, his systems must really be messing up."I'm (y/n), by the way, I'm going to have to climb on top of you to access your systems." I tell him before making my way onto the stage. I then move next to him, trying to figure out how to get onto him. 

I him softly and walk all the way around him seeing if there are any better angles to get on top of him. "I hate to ask this of you but could you help me get onto your back?"  

He doesn't answer but he does move a hand next to me, I step onto it and he lifts his hand up to his back to help me up. When he moves I slightly stumble but steady myself enough not to fall. I have to jump to get onto his back since his arms weren't able to reach all the way back. "Thank you DJ," I thank him before slightly shifting to the front and middle of his back to reach the panel. It takes me a minute to unscrew the panel but once I do so it is pretty obvious what the problem is. 

"Ah this won't take long to fix, your voice box seems like it was knocked out of it's spot and, and I'm sure you've already ran a diagnostic and know what's going on so I'll just fix it," I say cutting myself off  before getting to work. It doesn't take long to fix the voice box but it would take a bit longer to fix the other issues. 

"Is your voice box working now?" I ask leaning on his head slightly trying to look over to see his face, which doesn't work, his head is too big to look over. 

"It seems like it's working, it is! Yes! Thank you pumpkin," DJ rejoices that his voice box is working again but the vibrations from him speak causes me to stumble slightly. 

"P-pumpkin?" I question the pet name feeling my face heat up slightly. I just met him stoppp I hate you brain stupid poopy brain. "Anyways, try not to speak to much when I'm on you," I request before refocusing on my work. 

"Or what?" He questions moving his head slightly. 

"Hey! Stop I'm gonna fall," I say frustrated. "Please stay still," I ask again before continuing to work. He seems to listen this time, not moving as much or talking. 

"Alright!" I say wiping the sweat from my forehead as I finish screwing the panel closed again. "All done, is there anyway you could help me down?" 

"Sure thing pumpkin," he says using the pet name yet again. I moves his hand as close to his back as possible and I jump onto his hand, taking the tools with me. 

"What's with the pet name?" I ask as he sets me down on the floor. 

"May or may not have forgotten your name already," he says. 

"Maybe I should suggest up grating your memory chip," I say crossing my arms. 

"Aw don't be bitter," he chuckles poking me with one of his fingers causing me to stumble back and end up falling on the floor. 

"Hey, don't push me," I try to push his hand away. 

"How is such a tiny human so confidently giving me orders?" He teases putting his hand on the floor around my legs, keeping me stuck there. 

"Come on man I just helped you," I say struggling to get my legs out from under his hand. 

"Fair enough I'll stop for now," he says moving his hand off of me. 

"(Y/n) are you almost done? Monty destroyed another staff bot!" A voice comes from my walkie talkie again. 

"Yeah, I'll take care of it, we need to discuss upgrades for Music man later," I say into the walkie talkie before finally being able to push myself off the floor. 

"Bye DJ, see you next time," I say grabbing my toolbox again and start to walk out. 

"Goodbye sugar, until next time," he says and I turn around sticking my tongue out at him before finally leaving hearing a chuckle from him as I enter the elevator. 

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