(2) Roommate and upgrades

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It's been a day since I've repaired the Dj and I can't keep him out of my head, he is just so cool. Way too cool, I wish there was a smaller version of him so it was easier to work on him. Whatever I need to stop thinking about him, it will make things more difficult. 

I roll over on my bed and pick up my phone looking at the time eight AM, I have a few hours since my shift doesn't start until eleven. I could go in early and go see him, ah no, that's weird. I need to stop thinking about him. 

I push myself off of my bed and drop my phone into the pocket of my sweat pants before walking into the kitchen greeting ny roommate, "hey Jamie." Me and Jamie have been friends for a long time, we've known each other since middle school, they were there for me when I had tough times just as I was there for them. 

"Hey babe," ah yes the name given to everyone in the friend group by Jamie. You kinda get used to it after awhile. They greet me by pushing me out of the way so they can get in the fridge. "How'd you sleep?" They ask emerging from the fridge with two eggs in hand. 

"I spelt great," that's a fucking lie, but its fine, i just don't want to worry them with my messed up sleep schedule. "How about you?" I ask as I grab a bowl from the cupboard and get out the cereal and milk. 

"I slept just fine, thanks to you making noise all night," they say glancing over their shoulder towards me. Aw shit, they heard me, I really need to soundproof my room. "So are you going to tell me what you were making?" They ask as I put the milk away. 

"Oh, just trying to fix the stupid record player, its so old I can't find the right pieces for it," I grab a spoon before sitting down at the table, which is way to close to the counter. "Sorry for keeping you up."

"I doubt that," they say as they take out a spatula from one of the drawers. 

"What are you making?" I ask leaning over to try and see what it is. 

"Nothing for you! You choose to eat cereal instead," Jamie says moving to block my view. 

"Ah whatever," I say giving up. I eat my breakfast before putting the bowl in the sink, "you'll clean it for me right?" I ask giving Jamie puppy dog eyes. 

"I'm not a push over do your own damn dishes," they respond pushing their hand in my face. 

"Wow, so harsh," I smile before walking away leaving the bowl in the sink,"thanks for cleaning it!" 

"Hey I did not agree to-!" They get cut off by the sound of my door closing. 

Now I have a few hours to pass what to do what to do. 

I end up playing games on my phone for an hour before I realize I need to get ready for work. I eventually out my phone down and make my way to the bathroom. I take a quick shower and brush my teeth before I go back into my room and get dresses in my uniform. They uniform for engineers is just a gray jumpsuit, it looks pretty cool, reminds me of Star Wars so there is no way I'm complaining. 

After I finish getting ready I leave my room seeing Jamie on the couch, "I'm heading to work see you after."

"Yeah yeah whatever," Jamie gestures for me to leave. 

"I could always get you a job there?" I offer heading to the couch instead of the door. 

"What would I even do? I'm not an engineer and there is no way im being a security guard," Jamie says looking up at me as I lean over the back of the couch. 

"Im pretty sure they are hiring someone for face painting?"

"I'm a makeup artist not a painter," Jamie huffs, throwing the idea out the window. 

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