(9) Night shift

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(I decided to include the valentines chapter as canon to the story, it's not changing much not yet anyways >:)   so that's why the chapter is a bit wonky, I haven't gone through and completely fixed it yet but I will when I can!)
This chapter is dedicated to the endless skeleton because my phone auto corrected endoskeleton

"I would have said no if you'd asked," I say jokingly. 

"I only said yes cause I pity you," Djmm responds with a smile. 

"You bitch," I laugh. 

And that's how we spend the rest of the night, insulting each other and flirting. I also got insanely drunk meaning I forgot to tell Dj about the big news.

And after valentines day I had the last two days off meaning I wasn't able to tell the Dj about getting permission or the changed schedule. And now I finally get to go back to work, just as the pizza plex is closing. 

I barely made it before the doors closed. And I know I can technically use a different entrance, it's just easier to use the main ones. 

I let out a quiet sigh before start my walk to the back area of the pizza plex. Boss lady had asked me where I wanted the ordered parts left so I told her behind the dance floor so the walk was around the same length as it usually is. I thought the pizza plex would be way darker at night but the neon lights are all on along with some of the normal overhead lights regardless of the lighting I get to my destination. 

Where everything is set up is basically where his tunnel goes so he can move around the west arcade. Most of the stuff was in boxes still, and god there is a lot of boxes, which makes sense his gonna be super tall so how could it not make since. The boss had also made another request, that I add another foot in height to the humanoid body for him. Which would make him ten feet tall. I already have problems fixing the body he as and now I'm going to have to use a ladder to make him. 

I mean if course I would have to anyways but just it just the idea, he'd be basically twice my size I wouldn't be able to even touch his shoulders with my arm fully out stretched. It's fine, I shouldn't complain, I mean I'm definitely not, I'm super hyped to make him just so much work. Which means I should start working now since it will take awhile. 

I decide to start with the head, just because it will be the most difficult. They obviously provided me with an endoskeleton but it still needs to have stuff added and removed to make it right for the Dj. I set out the parts I need for the head before I start my work. 

I continue working for a few hours, getting the outside of the head almost complete. I still have to add the small details onto it, such as the texture and I also orders some stuff to make him feel more real, having the hair brushes out to be soft instead of being like Roxy's or Monty's and some other small details. As I'm making sure the headphones fit on the head I hear moving from the stage. 

I look over and see that Djmm is turning around to head into the back room before he spots me. "Dj! Sorry if I woke you up," I apologize, shifting slightly in my spot to look at him. 

"Pumpkin! I thought you quit or something," Djmm says sounding relieved to see me again. 

"Oh were you worried? Did you miss me?" I tease him as he usually does me. "I would never quit this job, speaking of my job," I say pausing to pick up the DJ's head by the hair, "I've started making your second body."

He walks into the back room, the floor vibrating from the movements before he leans down to look at the head I've spent hours trying to make perfect. "How long will it take to finish?" He asks, I'm sure he's trying to hide it but I can tell he is relieved that I'm not gone. 

"Well I should be done with the outside of the animatronic in about two weeks because of the height, and for the actual machinery or your insides, it should only take about a week. I just have to modify the endoskeleton and basically make it bluetooth accessible only to your current body. The goal is for you to have complete control over it, not just have the same programming," I explain as I turn my attention from the Dj to the body I'm making for him. "Sorry for talking for so long."

"No you're good! You seem really passionate about your work, your work being me," the giant spider teases causing me to let out a laugh. 

"I am very passionate about you, because you are my work, and because you'll soon be my masterpiece, my best work yet," I give him a smile before running a hand through the hair on the Dj head, "you should be able to feel that soon, hopefully."

We talk for a bit as I continue working, making sure not to get completely distracted with our conversation. Time flies by as we talk about random shit, mainly about music, since it is his main interest, no matter how much he insists that I am his main interest. And without realizing how much time went by my shift is over and we start to hear staff and kids entering the dancefloor and west arcade. 

"I guess our conversation will have to wait for tomorrow, but this time it definitely will continue," I reassure him as I move everything back into the boxes, being careful not to mess anything on it up. "You have kids to entertain, go do your job."

"I wish my job was watching you," he says, not budging even as we hear kids in the background questioning the absence of the spider. 

"As nice as that would be, it isn't, and I'll get fired if I'm keeping you from doing your job, now go," I say, even with instructing him to leave I want him to stay with me longer. I get up from my spot and make my way to his huge form. "Goodbye Dj," I say kissing his nose since he was low enough for me to do so before I start to leave, "don't miss me to much."

"Bye pumpkin, hope you never come back," he says jokingly. Even without being able to see him I can tell he is going back to his stage from the vibrations traveling through the floor. 

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