(18) Obvious blush

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(I'm so sorry for how long I took to write more, I've just been overwhelmed with stuff in my life and online, I will be posting whenever I finish a chapter so you might get multiple chapters a day or none a day, but only for this week and next week cause I have school during the summer)

I close the panel on his back and sit back staring at him. He isn't moving, he isn't doing anything.

I let out a sigh after a second, realizing I must have failed. "God dammit," I mutter as I let my head fall, staring at my lap. With everything going on right now I can't afford to get fired, I need to figure out what's wrong today, if I don't I'm done for.

I feel tears starting to form in the corners of my eyes and roughly tug at my hair, frustrated. As the first tears start to roll down my cheeks I hear movement. My grip on my hair loosens before dropping from my head as I look up to be met with a pair of legs. Feeling my breath hitch my eyes quickly travel up to see what I had hoped for, DJ.

A few more tears fall as I see DJ look down at me, his eyebrow raising in a questioning way. I wipe my tears with the palms of my hands before pushing myself off the floor.

"You alright, pumpkin?" He asks, his gaze remaining tilted down towards me. Why did I make him so tall? It doesn't really matter, he's working! This is insane, I never thought I'd actually be able to make something this high quality.

"Y-yeah, yeah I'm fine," I answer him, my voice trembling slightly. I can't help but smile as I look at him, I really pulled it off, I really am amazing.

"What's with the goofy grin?" He asks as he messes with his arms, assumingly getting used to the feeling of his new body.

"I'm just happy that I've finished making you, it didn't take as long as I thought it would have, which is a good thing of course. I'm so proud of myself or you, you really are the biggest thing I've put together myself," I pause when I realized I had started rambling. "I should probably tell big boss lady that you're finished, I'll be back in a minute," I tell him before starting to walk away.

"Wait, (y/n)," I feel a shiver run down my spine, I don't think I'll ever get used to him saying my name. I stop in my tracks and spin on my heel to face him.

"Yeah?" I question. I notice at even a few steps away I have to look up to see him face, he really is huge.

DJ steps closer to me, looking unsure of his movements. When he stops walking he is basically against me. I feel my cheeks flush as I send a questioning look up to him before he lowers himself into a crouch, basically being the equivalent of my height now. His upper hands move to my cheeks and to the back of my head causing me to tense as he stares me in the eyes.

Is he going to kiss me?

His lower arms join in a second later wrapping around my waist pulling me against his chest.

Stupid brain, he's hugging me. I mentally slap myself as I wrap my own arms around him resting my forehead on his shoulder.

We remain in silence for a minute before he speaks in a hushed tone, "I wanted you to be the first person I hug."

I practically melt, pushing my weight on him slightly and holding him closer to myself, "thank you," I mutter in return. Probably a weird thing to thank someone over but I can't help but feel thankful for this.

He lets out a deep chuckle, his head lowering to my neck feeling his nose poke my skin.  Jesus Christ my heart is racing a mile a minute. I'm sure he can hear my heart at this point. I pull away from his grip taking a step back, his lower hands move to his knees and his upper ones take place on my waist.

I trail one hand into his shoulder and the other to his cheek as he had done a few minutes ago. I rub a thumb over his cheek and lean forward slightly. As I do so I can see his eyes taking in my features. I smile at this before kissing his nose lightly before pulling away completely.

"I'll be back in a few minutes Dj," I tell him as I walk away.  I feel his eyes on me the whole time I am walking to the door. Once on the other side of the door I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding in. I place the back of my hand on my cheek realizing how warm it is I must have an obvious blush.

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