(11) Stuck with him

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Finally at work again, I haven't had much free time between work and sleep but it's fine, I prefer to stay busy. As sit down in the same spot I had the day before as I start to work on the animatronic. Djmm seems to be sleeping right now so I'll try to be quiet. 

I start to work and time passes by quickly. The work isn't hard since I know exactly what to do and how to do it so I do it perfectly. I basically made the head functional, it's eyes are opening and I'm able to get the mouth to move. I'm good at this, I hope the DJ likes it. 

Why do I care if he likes it or not? He doesn't really have a choice now since the boss already approved the design. Though she didn't really approve that thing I was thinking of adding, why am I so scared to even think about it? I already decided to add it, I'm not going back now, but why am I thinking about this now? I'm working in his fucking head, not his head ha I'm funny, anyways I need to stop and focus. 

A few hours go by and it's almost time for me to leave, the DJ has been silent all night, I think I should check on him. I pack the stuff up early before making my way from the back of the stage to the front. Once I get to his head, having to step over his hands I tap his cheek trying to see if he'd wake up. 

"Dj?" I call out trying to wake him up. He moves slightly, which means he's probably fine. "Dj I have to go home soon so I just wanted to say goodbye," I tell him. 

This causes him to use one of his front hands to pull me towards him knocking me down in the process and keeping me trapped between his head, hand and the stage. 

"Come on Dj, I'm super tired, I'm gonna have to go home to sleep," I complain trying to push his hand off of me. 

"Should have thought about that before pumpkin, now you're stuck with me," he says, sounding very very proud of himself. 

"Dj, please? If I don't leave then I can't come back to work on you more."

"Then I'll just have to keep you here forever," he says pulling me tighter against him. 

"I don't think I'd mind that," I say, giving up on trying to get him to move. 

"You wouldn't?" He asks seeming surprised. 

"Nope, I wouldn't mind at all," I say again. 

"Then I will keep you," he says, sounding happy. 

"Alright then, but I get to keep you as well," I tell him before relaxing and leaning against his head. I close my eyes, "my friend is terrified of spiders, but they'll have to deal with it since there is no way I'm letting you go."

"You're choosing me over your friend?" 

"Yeah, I mean you're my friend too," I answer, keeping my eyes closed. It stays quiet for a while and I eventually fall asleep leaning against him. 

When I wake up it's because of music, very loud music. I open my eyes only to find myself on the DJ's back. I almost forgot I fell asleep here. 

"Dj! Help me down," I say shouting over the music. He hears me and helps me off of his back. "I'm going to go home, I'll be back tonight!" I shout once again over the music. 

"See you tonight pumpkin," he says happily. 

I wave at him before making my way back stage, dude my boss would be so mad if she found out I had fell asleep here, but it's fine I'm sure. 

I leave the pizza plex and get in my phone once I'm in my car. Shit I have a bunch of fucking notifications from Jamie. 

I'll just text them telling them I worked longer then expected. 

As I open the texts I notice that they had sent a picture, it's of me and Djmm, I'm asleep and he's holding up a peace sign. That spider is fucking dead when I come back. 

I drive home and basically fall right back asleep, this time in my bed not on a stupid spider. 

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