(3) promotion!

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It's been another couple days and I was being called into the boss's office again. I don't feel as anxious this time since the last few times I talked to her have been fine. I'm assuming shes just going to tell me if I did a good job on the speaker upgrade or not. Which I obviously did a good job, how easy is it to mess up? Very easy but that's fine because if I tell myself it's fine it will keep my nerves down.

With my internal monologue rolling I make my way to the familiar office and knock twice on the door. I get the usual response of come in, and I follow the instructions. "You wanted to see me?" I ask as I close the door behind me.

"Ah, (y/n)," big boss lady smiles at me, "I have good news for you." As she says this I feel my heart racing in my chest. Am I going to get promoted? Am I getting a raise? Most of all the question repeating in my head, did I do a good job? Cause I have family issues you can't expect me to not be wondering that.

"You are being promoted," fuck yes, "you will be Djmm's main engineer, whenever he has any problems you will be called to take care of it, understood?"

"Yes of course! Thank you so much for this opportunity," I say trying to keep myself from showing how excited I am.

"You can proceed with the leg upgrades, I had some parts ordered for you to use for the upgrades. If you need any other materials order ask me to order it, you are dismissed," and with that I leave the office telling her one last thank you.

Holy shit, this is amazing! I am freaking out, I've been wanting to work on a main animatronic since I was a kid, and I get to now! I mean I know it's only the DJ, but he's nice, I can't really complain. I'm definitely not planning on making a bunch of small versions of him.

Speaking of small versions of Djmm, I'm pretty sure I heard something about a missing mini music man. I pull out my tablet as I walk, looking through the folders until I find the one I need. I open it and see the blueprints for each animatronic, I scroll a bit before I find the one I need, mini music man.

As I tap the file I needed and I look over his blueprints, he is definitely way smaller than the Dj. I should ask him if he knows where the small version of himself is.

I turn off the tablet and continue my way to the dance floor. Once there I notice the same white cloth blocking the entrance from visitors. I push it aside to see the Dj on his stage as usual, lofi music in the background. After I take my attention away from the huge animatronic I notice huge animatronic pieces, equipment and some other engineers. Ah so I guess I'm working with people for this once, which I guess makes sense, at least I don't have to do all the work.

I eventually actually make my way into the area and greet Djmm.

"Hey Dj, how have you been?" I ask once at his stage.

"Good, I heard you're my main engineer now," he says moving his head to look down at me.

"Yeah, I'm here to upgrade your arms and legs now, which is why there are so many people here," I say smiling up at him.

"Sweet, seeing as you did a good job with the last upgrade I trust you, for now," Djmm says picking me up carefully with one hand.

"You don't have to pick me up," I sigh and grab onto him scared of falling. He chuckles before setting me down. "Oh I needed to ask you, do you have any clue where mini music man is? I heard he's still missing and I was thinking of possibility upgrading him too," I ask him while letting go of his hand.

"He's usually in the vents, he hasn't been back here for awhile now so that's just the last I've heard," he answers.

"Thanks, I'll have to check for him later for now, I need to upgrade you," I say moving onto the stage.

"Happy to help Pumpkin," Djmm says his voice sounding like he was smirking even though he cant actually move his face.

"My name is (y/n)," I say rolling my eyes as I move over to his side, "help me up," I demand instead of asking.

"Aw you don't want to be called pumpkin?" He teases as he helps me up.

"Shut up, you over sized spider, I have to shut you off for these upgrades," I tell him moving to the panel on the back of his head.

"You just don't want to deal with me," he says dramatically, acting offended.

"I would prefer to keep you on when doing it but with you being such a big animatronic if we messed up and your programming got messed up there would be serous problems," I say opening the panel.

"So you enjoy my comp-" I cut him off by turning him off. Alright now I have to actually work.

After hours and hours of work we only have to front two arms down, and it's closing time. I don't have to turn Djmm back on but I kind of want too.

"Bye (y/n)! I'll see you tomorrow," I hear someone yell, I turn around and wave goodbye to them.

"Bye Sam!" I shout back. Before turning back to the robot. I hear Sam's footsteps leave the area before I step onto the DJ's stage. Well how am I going to turn him on without his help. I look around the room before spotting the latter we had used earlier. I quickly grab it and set it up before nervously and shaking I climb it and make my way onto Djmm. I then quickly but carefully move over to the panel and turn him back on.

I put the panel back on as I feel him start to move. "Hey Dj, how do your arms feel?" I ask from on top of him.

He starts to test them out before letting out a small satisfied chuckle. "Amazing, thank god you didn't fuck them up," the Dj teases.

"Oh shut up, don't say stuff like that when I'm literally right next to your on and off switch," I say hitting the back if his head with both hands.

"Didn't you upgrade my arms so I could reach onto my back?" Djmm points out causing me to pause.

"Hah well, possibly," I look to the side seeing him move his upgraded arm to his back, directly towards me. I quickly move to the middle of his back to try and keep from his reach. But inevitably he was able to grab me.

Once stuck in his huge hand he pulls his arm back so I'm face to face with him, regardless of how much bigger his is then mine. "I caught you pumpkin," he teases pulling me closer to his face.

"Good job now let me go, I didn't have to turn you back on but I did," I huff, squirming in his hand trying to get him to let me go.

"Oh so you want me to drop you?" He asks turning his hand to show me how far off the floor I am, "alright if you insist," he says his grip loosening.

"No no no! Please set me down, do not drop me," I say panicked.

He laughs before setting me down on the floor. I stumble slightly and try to keep my balance for the first few seconds.

I let out a small sigh looking up at him, "I have to go now, I'll see you tomorrow," I say trying to keep a smile from my face and act upset.

"Later Pumpkin," he calls out as I leave the area.

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