(17) Hurt

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(IT'S BACK!! Sorry for such a long wait, I had been feeling depressed and unmotivated, and I'm not as obsessed with fnaf anymore, but! I am going to finish this story, I have a lot of ideas for it. I am going to try to update it 1-2 times a week, more if I am not sad lol, but I'm glad you guys love it so much! It means a lot to me, anyways enjoy the new chapter!)

It was a bad choice. Turning off the walkie talkie. I didn't know it was a bad decision until hours later, hours after it happened.

Now I'm in the hospital with Jamie. They have horrific scars across their chest. Even with the newly changed bandages the blood is seeping through showing a dark red covered faintly by a few layers of unbloodied bandages.

"Jamie what happened?" I asked them panicked. How could I not be panicked? My best friend almost died.

I can see tears in the corners of their eyes as they recall the memory that will now haunt their dreams till they lay on their deathbed. They don't answer as the tears slip down their cheeks. The door opens and a nurse walks in. "Visiting hours are over they need to rest," the nurse tells me. I give a reluctant nod and push myself out of my seat next to Jamie's hospital bed.

"I'll see you tomorrow," I tell them as I leave the room, soon after leaving the hospital.

When I get home I can't find the will to do anything other than sit on the couch holding Jamie's pillow. They always bring it out of their room when we have movie nights, it smells like them. It bring acknowledged some comfort as I think about what had happened earlier today.

After I had turned off the small communications device I walked back to the dance floor. It was normal, there were less people then when I had left.  I went back to work on DJ's second body, following the bosses order. I had thought maybe if I get it done quickly I would be able to talk to the other animatronics about Vanessa, see if they had noticed anything about her that me and DJ hadn't. 

But even with extra motivation to finish Djmm it didn't happen.  I had been working for hours and still had more I had to do, mainly with the programming. I've got to say, without being taken away from my work it was fun to be able to focus on this.

I spent hours working on DJ's programming, trying to get it right. Maybe if I had taken time to go check on Jamie? I should have been thinking about them. But I had to be focused on work. This is all my fault.

All I know is the pizza plex was closed early because of "an accident* with one of the animatronics. Which is what happened to Jamie. It was most likely Monty. I know Monty isn't usually like this. Sure he is destructive but he would never hurt any humans or his friends, he's not that kind of guy.

Than again I'm just assuming it was Monty, what if it was Moon? Or even Sun? God, what didn't I leave my walkie on. Apparently everyone was trying to reach me when it happened. They were trying to let me know. I only found out when someone had the time to come tell me Jamie got hurt.

They didn't tell me anything else, just that they got hurt and that we were closing early. I had to leave but I wasn't allowed in the hospital. Jamie had to get surgery, I don't even know how bad it is.

I shove my face in their pillow and hold onto it tightly. I have to go to work tomorrow so I need to get my emotions done with tonight. No one is allowed to take time off because of this other than Jamie.

It makes sense but I wish I was able to be with them, but I'll be stuck going to work. I only get about a half hour with Jamie once I'm off work. I'll have to call them on my break. I wonder if Vanessa is worried about Jamie at all. I know that Vanessa is a transphobia asshole but that doesn't mean she doesn't care about people, in her own weird way. Probably.

I thoughts drift slightly and after awhile I end up falling asleep.

When I wake up I have plenty of time to get do stuff before work, I woke up like five hours early. And I can't fall back asleep so I should try and get more things done with DJ.

I make sure to use specific coding that I'm almost positive Vanessa doesn't know, but as another safety precaution, DJ's second and first body's can cut off connect from each other. If someone messes with one it won't effect the other.

I'm actually able to finish the coding in around fourish hours so I decide to make a gift basket for Jamie. Adding some of their favorite things like Oreos, sour patch kids, white cheddar cheez-its, their switch lite and their games before deciding that enough stuff.

I get ready for work and grab the gift basket and head to my car. I set the basket down in the passenger seat and start the drive to work. I'll have to give the basket to Jamie after work since the hospital is pretty far from the pizza plex.

I get to work, kind of excited but the excitement is followed by guilt. I'm excited to finish DJ but I feel bad about being happy when my friend is hurt. I don't even know how they got hurt, just an animatronic attack.

I need to focus for now, medical bills are expensive, and so is the medication needed once they are out so I need to keep this job. Sure the pizza plex has to pay for some medical bills but they aren't paying as much as they should be. I'm surprised that Jamie hasn't sued them over it but again, I'm sure they probably want to keep their job as well.

Hesitantly I push all thoughts of Jamie out of my mind as I get to the dance floor. I see DJ, already working, along with a few kids on the dance floor. I wave at him with a smile before heading back towards the entrance I'm supposed to use.

After the stupidly long walk back and forth I reach DJ's almost complete second body. All I have to do is add some small details, like safety precautions and stuff like that.

Which only takes up around an hour and a half, it's enough to hurt my hands but not enough to dull the excitement I feel. The last think I had to do is activate him.

I glance over at the much bigger original DJ model before turning back to his second body. I turn him slightly and open the panel on his back, while holding my breath I activate him. If he doesn't work I could be fired.

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