(16) Almost finished

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It's been a few days and Monty's still the same.  He has broken several staff bots, tables, and everything in his room. He has caused a few kids to cry and injured one of them.

On top of that Moondrop attacked a kid saying that he had to be punished. Yeah Moon had been programmed to help kids understand when they were doing something wrong but not punish them. All the kids have been horrified when it comes to nap time. Now Sun has gotten paranoid after getting complaints so he won't turn the lights off. He has started to freak the kids out too. He has been trying to keep them all in the center of the room doing arts and craft but nothing else.

I haven't had any days off and I've hardly been able to focus on DJ because of the other animatronics. I've had to fix staff bots non stop and had to try helping with holding Monty down while other staff members try to fix him.

I've had to switch back to day shift so if they need help with Monty or if they run out of staff bots I'm here. As easy as it is to fix and build the staff bots it is draining me. I haven't been enjoying my job because of it.

And today is no different. I've just finished fixing multiple staff bots and I've been allowed to go back to work on DJ. Even with the pizza plex in chaos Djmm is able to keep me going. Since it's during the day I'm not really able to talk to him but just being near him is nice. Working backstage I'm able to hear the music but not the crowd, which is great.

I have basically finished building Djmm's second body, I just have to add the extra details and upgrade his programming. I have downloaded his programming onto a hard drive and been adding some things. He has to be able to use his new body while using his normal one so I've been focusing on that but I have to do more. I have to program him to actually he able to use the body in the first place.

I've been programming at home mainly since boss lady is on my case trying to get me to finish it. She's wanting me to have him functional as soon as possible so he can do some damage control and take the attention off of malfunctioning robots. As soon as I am done with him she is wanting me to try and fix Sundrop because of complaining parents.

A lot of engineers have quit because of the pressure being out on them which has led to more pressure being out on me and the others that remain. As much as I love this job this is a lot to deal with. If I don't get a God damn raise after this I might quit too. That's a lie. I couldn't leave DJ behind, he means too much to me.

I let out a sigh as I notice it's time for my break. I move my supplies out of the way and head down the long tunnel. I go through the door I should be using to get in and out but rarely do. I then have to head back to the dance floor since I was just planning on hanging out with DJ while I can, even if we can't talk it's nice to see his face rather then his backend. Then again, spider kinda thicc. Anyways that's besides the point. 

I shake the slight pain out of my hands as I turn into DJ's dance floor. There aren't many people here but it is a Monday so I'm not really surprised. I give him a small wave as I walk over to the tables in the far side of the room. I sit at one of the tables and take my phone out ignoring the pain in my fingers. Obviously I should probably relax my hands for my breaks but social media is to addicting to give up. 

While scrolling through my phone I see an article pop up mentioning the plex. Curiosity takes over as I click on the article to see what it could be saying. As I read through it I can't help but feel annoyed. It's talking about how Monty has been more aggressive which is true but it continues, saying that it is due to inexperienced employees. I'm not the closest with the other staff members but I know how hard it was to get this job. 

I should complain about Vanessa to the boss. If she has been messing with the animatronics then she needs to be stopped. I don't doubt that she messed with mini music man but if she caused Monty's aggression than this is a much bigger problem. I know I've already blamed her, and I'm kinda bias since I don't like her but I should be fair. I should talk to boss lady about the issues and see if anything will happen. 

My breaks aren't that long but it should be enough time to talk to my boss, hopefully. I know I could talk to her on the clock but there is an overload of work to do so I shouldn't be wasting work time on this, for now anyways. 

I get up from my seat and tuck my phone away in my uniform pocket before waving to DJ again. He seems confused as to why I'm leaving early but I don't have much time left so off I go. I speed walk through the building until I find myself at the bosses office door. I knock on the door and wait for an answer. 

After a minute or so I hear an exhausted "come in," through the door. As I step into the office it is evident that she isn't doing so well. Her usual tight bun is now looking more like a large hair ball on the back of her head. Her eye bags are a deep blue and her eye lids keep falling down half way as she tries to keep herself awake. "Yes (y/n)?" Her tone makes it very clear she does not want to deal with people right now. 

"I think I know what happened to Monty and Sun and Moon," I tell her trying to sound as professional as possible. She doesn't need more work on her but this might help her with some of her issues. "The mini music man that had been lost was tampered with by Vanessa."

I can tell from her facial expression she doesn't believe me. "How is the DJ animatronic coming along?"

"It's almost finished but I wanted to talk to you about-" I get cut off. 

"I need you to focus on finishing it. I need it done this week," she isn't going to listen to me. I'll have to get evidence first. 

"I'll try to finish it this week, I keep getting called to help with staff bots though," I tell her and she seems annoyed by this.

"Turn off your walkie talkie than, you need to focus solely on Dj," I nod in response, "now get back to work."

I step out of the office. Fuck. That definitely did not go as planned. But it's fine, I'll just find proof Vanessa is the ones messing with the animatronics. It'll work out in the end, it has too. I turn off my walkie talkie as I head back to the dance floor and back to work. 

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