(14) Security Guard part 1

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(Fun fact about me: my favorite musical is actually Elisabeth specifically the 2016 takarazuka version! But I put the heathers as (y/n) 's favorite musical because I wanted to choose something that most people know that isn't Hamilton, which was the first musical I was obsessed with

Also sorry for the late chapter, I was caught up in my stupid head so I forgot to write it until I was supposed to post it)

I quicken my pace to try and get to the security guard. It takes a minute but I eventually reach them. 

"Hey, I don't believe we've met before, I'm (y/n), " I introduce myself once I had her attention. 

She gives me a smile, "Vanessa. Whats your job?" 

"Oh I'm the main engineer for Djmm, I have been building him a new body which is why I have nightshift," I explain. 

"Making him a new body? Why?" Vanessa asks. 

"Oh, I just thought it would be nice to have a more portable version of him, so he can walk around the place like the other animatronics and not be stuck to just the dancefloor and west arcade."

"That makes sense I guess," she says and looks at her watch, "I'd love to talk more but I have to go."

"Oh, sorry to keep you from your job, do you work tomorrow?" 

"Yeah, I'll try and find you tomorrow if I'm not to busy," she says. 

"Okay, I hope the rest of your shift goes alright, see you tomorrow," I tell her before starting to leave. 

"See you tomorrow (y/n), don't get hurt," she says and I hear her start to walk away as well. 

Don't get hurt? That's kind of a weird thing to say. I mean I guess it could be like drive safe but it's just a weird way to put it. Something feels off about her, I can't tell what it is. I'm probably just sleep deprived, she is just the security guard, nothing unusual. 

Whatever I need to stop thinking about it, it really isn't important. I get home and see Jamie in the kitchen. 

"Hey babe, how was work?" They ask so I decide to sit at the table to talk to them. 

"It was fine, do you know the security guard?" I ask setting my head on the table. 

"There is more then one security guard (y/n), are you talking about the night shift security guard?"

"Yeah, do you know her?"

"I do, I actually asked her out on a date," Jamie says, their smile evident in their voice. 

"That's cool, I guess, is she nice?" I ask taking my head off of the table to look at them. 

"She's interesting, not super nice, nicer than you," they say before they sit down at the table next to me. 

"Psh, whatever," I smile at them. 

"Why did you just meet her?" 

"Yeah I was talking to her before I left work, she seems weird, not to judge your choice in partners but I also don't know her maybe she was just tired," I answer them before my eyes drift down to their plate, "can I have some?"

"No, make your own food," they say sticking their tongue out at me with a smile. Despite their words they hand me one of their sliced of toast. 

"Thank you, " babe,"" I say mocking their voice before taking a bite of the toast. 

"You dick, you should be grateful I gave you my food," they hit me playfully. 

"You should be grateful I didn't bug you about rent last month."

"Ah shut up," they smile and continue to eat. I finish the toast before pushing myself out of my seat. 

"I'm gonna go take a shower, if I'm not out by the time you leave, I hope you have a good day," I tell them, messing up their hair before heading to the bathroom. 

"Asshole! I hope you sleep horribly," they yell back as I close the bathroom door. Jamie has to get better taste in partners, they always go for toxic people which is making me wonder if Vanessa is the same. 

None the less I get in the shower and my thoughts shift to ones about Dj. I've never had someone on my mind as much as I have him, and he isn't even human. Maybe it's just because I'm working on him, and made him super fucking hot. But even with his big spider form I still find myself attached to him. 

He has given me the opportunity to do this, something I've wanted to do since childhood.  This could be my only chance to build an animatronic for a company, so if I screw it up I'm fucked.  I shouldn't be so negative, I haven't messed up yet, I'm good at what I'm doing. 

I get out of the shower and quickly dry off and get changed into an oversized t-shirts and sweatpants. I then make my way to the kitchen to see if Jamie is still here, they aren't so I redirect and head to my room. 

I plug in my phone before laying down and almost instantly fall asleep. 

When I wake up it's around 5pm, which means I actually have time to do stuff for once. Not that I mind being around Dj for the majority of my time awake but having time to do stuff that isn't work is nice. 

I get out of bed and leave my room, heading to the kitchen. I get a bowl of cereal before heading back to my room to watch stuff. I end up just putting on music since I couldn't decide on what to watch. I eventually end up on my phone scrolling through social media, most of the posts being fan art from the various fandoms I like since I don't really want to see photoshopped pictures that make me feel shitty about myself. 

But the few people I'm following that I actually know one of them is Jamie, so of course I got one of their pictures on my feed. It's of them at work with someone else I have yet to meet there. I guess that's fine, but not to sure how happy the company will be with the fact they are taking pictures at work. 

I finish my cereal and just set the bowl on my desk since I really don't want to get up right now. I turn off the music and end up playing some random game on my computer. I get so into the game I don't even notice how much time flies by. 

When I finally decide to stop playing it's around 9, meaning Jamie should be home soon, unless their date is tonight. Which they didn't tell me but it's none of my business so whatever.  I get ready for work early and after putting my bowl in the sink I just scroll through my phone. 

I eventually get up and head to work a bit early. And just as I enter the building I realize that it was a mistake not going back to sleep I am so exhausted and the extra phone time was not worth it. 

It's fine, I'll at least be entertained by the giant spider. My giant spider, ah he's not mine, he should be though. AH brain stupid shut up. I get to the dance floor only to see a sleeping DJ, my hopes ruined. I am going to have a hard time staying awake. Unless Vanessa actually does come by, but I kinda doubt that.   

I climb over the DJ's hands and legs to get behind the stage without waking him up successfully so now I have to start work. Yay. I set up my stuff and start working in mostly silence. The only noise being Djmm's snoring and the noises I'm making from working. 

Some time passes and I end up singing some stupid song to keep myself awake. I can't remember the name of the song but nonetheless I sing it, or what I remember of it. I do try to keep my voice low as not not wake the sleeping robot and he hasn't moved so I think I'm in the clear. 

I finish the song, letting out a sigh afterward. And that's when I realize I don't hear snoring anymore. "Dj?" I ask looking up from my work. He turns around. There is no way he didn't hear my song, god why did I choose to sing, stupid decision.

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