(5) Mini Music Man!

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(I originally was going to use Volcorns version of him but I changed my mind about it because I feel bad not asking and I'm way to scared to ask so just imagine him however you'd like!)

By the time my shift started I had drawn a few ideas for Djmm's design.

"So which one do you like the most?" I ask showing him the sketch book.

He stares at the page for a minute before answering, "the one in the middle."

"Okay, so again, don't get to excited boss lady might say no, and if she says yes it will take quite a while to make," I remind him as I put the sketch book back in my bag as some of the people helping me with the upgrades enter the area. "I'll be back in a minute, I just have to clock in really quick, make sure no one messes with mini man or my bag," I request of the spider before leaving the area.

God I hope my boss actually lets me build the Dj another body, he is so big it's hard for the kids and teens to interact with him, definitely not just hard for me to interact with.

God I hate to admit it but the giant spider already has my heart, his current body and all, but it is quite difficult to do anything with.

I at this point have clocked in and am heading back to the music man.

I wish I could just take him back home with me, but first of all, Jamie would flip, considering one how big the Dj is and two he hates all kinds of bugs and spiders, especially spiders. Which is why I've fought the temptation to make a small music man to have at home.

Anyways, I need to focus, I shake my head slightly before reentering the DJ's area. Now the work begins.

Once again it takes the whole day to replace two of the arms. Which is cool, it means only one more day till the legs have all been upgraded.

God why'd I have to choose a profession that takes so much focus and skill. It's a blessing and a curse, the blessing being how well it pays and never really being out of work. If I ever got fired I'd be able to find another job just as quickly.

"Bye guys, see ya tomorrow," I call out as the others start to leave. I let out a relieved sigh as the last person left. I really don't like people, only cause they are so hard to talk to plus I have Jamie so that's enough for me.

After I'm positive everyone is gone I use the same ladder as the day before to get onto the Dj. I open the panel, blah blah blah, and now he's on. I close the panel back up before requesting help down, which is granted thank god. Thinking about it now Djmm could just leave me up here and I wouldn't be able to get down.

He sets me down on the ground again seeming happy to be on again. "so Mr. Music man," I start.

"Oh Mr.?" Djmm questions.

"Yes Mr. Music man," I say smiling slightly, "do you have anything you'd like upgraded?"

The Dj hums in response thinking of an answer, "everything I want would be fixed if you get me a smaller, more human body," he answers.

"And what are the problems that would be fixed?" I ask, pulling out my phone to take notes. His problems being corrected by this cause help me convince my boss to actually let me upgrade him.

"Well I want to be able to move around the pizza plex my body is to big right now to go anywhere not designed for me," he answers, "and then I would be able to hold the kids without fear of dropping them or holding them to tightly," he continues. He lists a few more reasons it would help before letting out a sigh.

"What's wrong?" I ask as I finish writing down the last thing he had listed.

"It doesn't matter," he says setting his head down on the stage.

"Come on tell me," I say moving from my spot to be in front of him again.

"Its stupid," he says moving his head again so he isn't facing me, "Ive been lonely the past few days, since I've been turned off for the most part, only to be turned on when all the kids are gone."

I can't help but feel bad for him, "Dj, I'm sorry I didn't think about that, but hey, tomorrow is your last day like this for awhile, hopefully for a long time unless you are needing another upgrade, " I say running a hand over his cheek. "I know you want a more human body and I was the one that suggested it but i really do like how you look, you're a giant spider! That's cool as hell."

He lets out a laugh, "I'm glad you think so pumpkin," he says seeming happy with the response.

"I do have to go but do you want me to get one of the animatronics to hang out with you?" I offer.

"No, they all have stuff to do, I'll see ya tomorrow pumpkin," Djmm says as I grab my bag.

Just as I'm about to say goodbye I get a notification. It's an email from my boss. Obviously I open it and read through it. As I do a smile forms on my face, "boss Lady's letting me fix mini man! So you'll have your buddy back."

He looks happy with the news so i tell him a quick good bye, grabbing the small spider boy and leaving the pizza plex.

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