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(1.Boss lady is lesbian 2. If you only read the (20)top one than Dj started calling (y/n) puppy idk how often I'll have him do it so I just wanted to make you guys aware 3. I put warnings on chapter 19 for a reason so I don't understand the "I'm scared" comments)

A laugh comes from Dj in response, "yeah, (I/you) definitely succeeded," he smiles.

I stumble slightly from the soreness in my lower body. "We should do that again some time," I suggest as I put on my still wearable clothes.

"I'd love to, pumpkin," Dj smiles, cleaning himself up as well. "I'd say we spent your break pretty well, didn't we?"

I roll my eyes but nod in agreement as I turn to see Dj fully composed already, "you are a very," I pause thinking for a moment, "delightful distraction, but now I have to take care of Monty."

I finish dressing myself and try to fix my hair as best I can before starting to leave but I pause. "Oh, kinda weird that we fucked and I haven't kissed you yet, come here," I request as I turn around to face Dj.

I can't help but get butterflies from the smile on his face as he approaches me, I pull him down by his shirt to get him down to my level, knowing fully well that if he didn't want to come down I wouldn't be able too. But he does without resistance, with both hands on either cheek I plant a kiss on his lips, a sweet small kiss that doesn't last long before I let go of him.

"Thank god I asked you for a kiss, I would have completely forgotten my toolbox otherwise," I chuckles as I move past him to get the metal box. As I'm passing him to get back to the door I glab one of his hands, kissing it in a joking manner "until next time my love," I let his hand drop from mine as I walk to the door.

He doesn't answer but when I look back at him while opening the door I notice he has a cute smile and I leave the back stage, satisfied with mine and DJ's relationship at the moment, not so satisfied with the pain I feel while walking. But I have to say, it was definitely worth this pain.

As I walk out of the dance floor area I wave an extra goodbye to Dj before making my way to the elevator.

Right I need to focus on Monty now, he should be in his room because of his 'technical difficulties'.

I make my way through the pizza plex, getting to Monty's room fairly quick considering it's pretty far from the dance floor.

I knock on the door but don't wait for an answer before I enter his room. Monty does not seem well, just one glance at his room and you can see that. Broken bots left on the floor, his couch is completely scratched up, his vanity broken. But besides his room, I can just feel anger radiating off of him.

"Monty, can you come with me please?" I request, making sure to be polite. I feel bad for assuming he was the one that hurt Jamie, but DJ did say he wasn't anywhere near them when the day they got hurt. His back is turned to me so I can't really tell if he even heard me.

His head turns eerily slow, sending me a cold glare, I notice his claws form a fist before he finally turns around. He lets out a low growl, as he stalks closer, the ground underneath him vibrating from the weight.

I smile at him, "oh so big and scary, now come on I have to do my job," I allow my words to mask the tension I feel in my chest as I turn away. He could kill me and no one for quiet some time.

I leave the room, the gator animatronic follows behind. I wouldn't have noticed if it weren't for the loud fucking stomping. Monty was never like this before I started working here. I would come to the pizza plex from time to time and he was always so sweet.

I lead him through the crowds of children running around the pizza plex and to the entrance of the maintenance tunnels. I hold the door open for him. With another cold glare Monty goes through the door.

He doesn't seem to want to talk, which is fine, if I can just get the work done and leave before he tries to scratch my eye out.

With a quiet walk we reach parts and services. I set everything up and get Monty in the chair before exiting the protective cylinder I do what I have to with the computer before being allowed to enter again, making sure I have my toolbox and tablet with me.

Since I technically don't have to touch him yet I sit on the floor with tablet in hand looking over his programming. This is gonna take awhile.

About a half hour passes and I finally spot it, a virus. I need to find a way to remove the virus without damaging the needed programming. Not that I couldn't just re-write the coding but it would be a hassle if Vanessa just screws him up again.

Monty seems to grow impatient as I work on removing the virus. How can I tell? He's at a low constant growl. Which is making it harder to focus but it's fine I just have to ignore him for the time being. Then again, I guess I would be annoyed if I was asked to leave my room only to sit in silence.

It takes around an hour for me to fix the bug. "Okay Monty, sorry for such a long wait," I apologize as I push myself off of the ground. Monty Doesn't answer but he crosses his arms as I plug my tablet into him.

I apologize again as I turn him off before updating his coding so the virus is gone. If this works than it should work for the rest of the animatronics which would be amazing.

I hold my breath as I boot him up again, waiting to see if it works.

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