Chapter 4: Project

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You are back! What took you so long Jiminie?" Hobi asked once Jimin had entered their shared dorm. The other just smiled as he sat on the small couch they had. "I got caught up watching something near the convenience store. I also passed by to eat a small snack. That is all." Jimin replies, hiding the truth from the older man and keeping his word with Jungkook.

"Aww, I wanted something to eat. Next time, I'll message you if I want something." Hobi says

"I can still get you something if you really want a snack!" Jimin says but Hobi denies with his head. "It's fine Jiminie! We still have some stuff in the cabinets. Are you truly feeling okay now though? You seem very deep into your thoughts or at least worried."

"I'm fine hyung. I am still kind of tired, but I am fine. I promise you, alright? If I wasn't, you know right now I would be in the dance studio and not back at the dorms." Jimin responds, trying his best to stop showing his nervousness.

"True, hmm well anyways. I'm going to take a shower. Once I am done we can see a movie if you wish." The older man says and Jimin smiles as he nods.

"Great! I'll go and finish quickly."The older man says as he gets inside the bathroom and leaves a thinking Jimin behind. He didn't understand why he felt sad and worriedness after seeing how much pain the younger one was in. It kinda pained him to see the other so beaten with no one there to defend him. Jimin felt the pain in his heart increase as he thought back to what the younger man said.

'I don't have a home.'

'I'm a fucking failure.'

Jimin didn't know what happened in the younger man's life to make him start acting so cold and mean. Being near him today and helping him, the younger actually seemed like a decent person. Not like the asshole he knew him to be. Perhaps he was a good person who just felt vulnerable.

Jungkook woke up the next day and groaned from the pain in his abdomen. Slowly, he sat up, his ribs screaming at him with every movement, and headed to the bathroom to look at

himself. He sighed at what he saw. He had a split lip. A small gash lined his left cheek. Bruises decorated his face. His jaw was heavily bruised, and there was swelling along his chin. He looked like a mess. The worst damage was to his right eye. It had swelled almost completely shut, and was colored a nasty purple. He hated looking at it the most.

He looked at his body and saw even more bruises. The only thing that seemed alright was his chest and upper abs, the place he was burned. He expected to see blisters and bruises, but the only thing there was, were heavy purple bruises. There was no trace of blisters and Jungkook thanked Jimin for helping him in that. He still didn't know why the older one had helped him, it was weird. He hated it too because someone like Jimin had to see him very vulnerable. He was scared that the other would expose him.

He looked at the shower, and sighed. There was no way he would be able to do so today. At least with no help he wouldn't. It would be too much pain for him. He was at least glad he had showered the day prior. He looked at himself in the mirror. He felt so disappointed in himself and frustrated tears spilled from his eyes. He felt like an utter failure for letting them hurt him again and proving how weak he still was. He thought he would have gotten used to the pain by now, having dealt with it for so many years, but it must have been because he hasn't gotten beaten up in a while. He must have lost his tolerance. He shuffled back to his bed and flopped on his bed, not caring about the pain, and started crying. He just felt so alone and just wanted someone to be by his side.

After what seemed like hours he got up to get ready for school. It was Tuesday, so he had his morning lecture with Ms. Jang. He knew that even if he was not in a good physical state, he still needed to attend his classes. They were too important to miss today. He wiped his tears and splashed water on his face before brushing his hair. He limped to his room and opened his closet. He looked around and saw a buttoned black shirt. Knowing it would be too painful to put on a plain shirt, he chose that one. He put it on as he winced a little. He then put on a navy blue jacket with a hoodie and black joggers.

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