Chapter 39

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..Ruth's POV..

I knock on Nora and Diego's apartment front door, a couple minutes later it opens. "Ahh hey!! You guys came!!!" Nora says before embracing me in a big warm hug.

"Of course, we came, how are you, Nora?" I ask her, "what's up man" I hear Diego tell Blake as they do their usual handshake. "Hey Ruth" Diego says while side hugging me and rubbing the top of my head just like he always use to back in high school.

"Lucy and Owen are on their way" Nora says while grabbing my hand and leading me inside. "Wow it smells good, what did you guys cook?" I ask her.

"I baked pasta, with some garlic bread and chocolate cake for Nora" I look to my right and see Carmen. "Oh my gosh, Carmen hiii!!" I say before hugging her.

"It's been so long sweetie, how are you?" She asks me as she wraps her arms around me. "I've been okay, how are you?" I ask her. "I've been well, when are you going to come over?" She asks me.

"I don't know, I'll ask Blake when we can go" I tell her, she smiles before placing a kiss on my forehead. "You look beautiful" she says, "thank you Carmen, you look beautiful too" I tell her.

"Gracias mija" Carmen says, "RUTH!!!" I feel arms wrap around my waist. "Hey there man, how are you??" I ask Alex who's literally squeezing the life out of me.

"I'm good, how are you?" He asks, "I've been okay, didn't know you were going to be here" I tell him. "Diego invited us, did you know Nora is pregnant!!?" He exclaims, "yea I sure did man" I tell him.

"Wow not going to say hey to me, how rude" I look next to me and see Blake. "Hey big bro!" Alex says before hugging Blake, "wow man you've gotten bigger" Blake tells him.

"Well yeah, it's part of life" Alex says playfully rolling his eyes. Blake rolls his eyes before hugging Carmen. We all talked for a while, about 20 minutes later Owen and Lucy arrive.

We all sit in the dinner table, eat together, then just chat for the rest of the afternoon. "Well, we're all so happy for you both" Carmen says while hugging Diego and Nora.

"I can't wait to spoil this baby!" Owen says with a grin on his face. Diego and Nora laugh while looking at each other, "when will you find out the gender?" I ask Nora.

"In a month or so" she says while rubbing her belly, "what do you guys want? Girl or boy?" Owen asks both Nora and Diego.

"We're fine with whatever, just as long as he or she come out healthy" Diego says with a smile on his face. God I'm so happy for my friends, they're about to have their own little family.

They both look so happy and excited, "we should have a baby shower after you find out the gender" Blake says while walking back into the living room.

"OH MY GOSH YES!!" Owen and Lucy both say in excitement, those two are so cute. Perfect for each other. Blake sits next to me, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers. 'I love you' he mouths. I smile before mouthing 'I love you'.


"Okay now we need some sleep, we have an early flight tomorrow" Blake says as he lays me down on our bed. True we do have an early flight tomorrow; our bags are packed waiting in a corner downstairs. Tomorrow, we get on a flight to California, I'm going to go see my beautiful niece, Amber.

"Wait can we shower first before sleeping?" I ask Blake, he nods before helping me up. "Get undressed, I'll turn on the shower and get our clothes" Blake says with a warm smile before placing a kiss on my forehead.

I take my clothes off and make my way to the bathroom, I see Blake taking two towels out from the cabinet before turning around. Hes shirtless, and God the view is amazing. "Like what you see?" Blake asks with a smirk on his face.

"Don't like it, I love it" I say while wrapping my arms around his neck. Blake leans down placing soft kisses on my neck, "come one lets shower so we can get some rest" he says before picking me up. I wrap my arms around his waist and laugh when I feel the warm water hit my back.

Blake places me down, the water wetting his hair. I grab the bottle of shampoo and pour some on my hand. Can you get down a bit please" I ask Blake, he laughs before kneeling down. I run my hands through his hair, making sure to wash it well.

Then I rinse it and tell him I'm done, before he gets up, he starts kissing my stomach. leaving a trail of wet kisses while he kisses further up. I lean against the wall letting out a small moan as I feel the cold tiles hit my back.

Blake grabs both of my arms and starts kissing from my wrist and up, "I love you so much Ruth "he says one he cups my face and brings our lips close to each other. I trace my hands up his stomach and around his neck,

"I love you too, so much" I tell him, he smiles before kissing me passionately. We basically make out in the shower for a couple of minutes before washing the rest of our bodies and getting out.

As we now lay in the bed, the covers over our bodies. I'm tracing circles around Blakes palm when he asks me something that shocks me. "Do you want kids' baby?" I feel myself stop breathing for a couple of seconds.

I don't know how to answer that, I mean maybe I do. It's just back when I was young, I never thought about having kids, or a family. Why? because I never thought I would make it this far in life.

I take a deep breath before looking up at Blake, I smile at him before nodding. "Yeah, I do want kids" I tell him. I only want kids with him, I want to create a family but only with Blake the love of my life.

"Me too, I want a boy and a girl" Blake says, I smile a I lay my head on his chest. "Do you want to start a family with me?" I ask him, "My love, I want you to be the mother of my kids. I want to live the rest of my life with you, I want only you to be the one by my side till the day I die" Blake says.

I wipe the tears that fall from my eyes, "don't cry baby" I hear Blake say as he wraps an arm around my shoulder. "Come on let's go to sleep, you need some rest before tomorrow" he says, I throw my leg over Blakes and pull myself closer to him.

"Goodnight Blake" I say, "goodnight, Ruth" Blake says.


Wahoo finally updated after a long time. Truly sorry about that, you know I should start a schedule, like posting every Thursday or Wednesday every week. I'll think about it.

How did you guys like this chapter? enjoyed it or not? I love the fact that Blake and Ruth are talking about their future. They are so cute!!

Well, this is it for today, I love you all so much. Take care and have a great day/night!!

Love you :)

-Don't forget to vote

- Irma

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