Chapter 4

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..Blake's Pov..

~a couple weeks later~

As I sit on the edge of my window, smoking my 3rd cigarette there's a knock on my door. I turn off my cigarette and say "come in" in comes my little cousin Alex.

"Hey buddy you okay?" I ask him, Alex is my 8 years old cousin. I always treated him like my little brother ever since the incident. I've been living with them for 3 years now, I've helped my aunt Carmen pay the rent, bills, groceries by working. They are like my own little family for now.

"I had a nightmare can I sleep with you.." he says, I nod "of course buddy just give me a sec okay." I say while grabbing a shirt and walking into the bathroom. I change my shirt and spray some cologne I don't want him to smell the cigarette.

I come out and he's already laying on my bad, he smiles at me while I smile back. "Alright buddy go to sleep I'll be here" I say with a smile. "Thank you big bro" he says and a couple minutes later I hear him snoring.

As I'm laying down I start thinking about my family, and I feel a wave of sadness hit me. My family was awesome, we all got along. Never hated each other. We were all always together, but that once changed that night.


"Hey Blake wake up it's time for school" I hear Alex say in his sleepy tone. "I'm up" I say while covering my face with a pillow. "No ur not!" He says "up,up mister" he says smacking me with a pillow.. "okay I'm up" I say with a small smile he laughs and runs to his room to get ready.

As I get up I walk to the bathroom and wash my face, then brush my teeth and walk back into my room. As I pick what to wear today there's a knock on my door.

"I'm driving Alex to school you need a ride?" My aunt asks, "no I'm good Owen and Diego are coming. Thank you though" I say "alright well bye try no to get into any trouble" she says and leaves.

"Hey man" Owen says while giving me a fist bump, "hey" I say getting in the front seat. As we drive to school Owen starts blasting music in the car.

"I hop off the plane at LAX with a dream and my cart again!" He sings along to the song in a girly voice making Diego laugh. He continues singing until he stops when he sees were at school.

"Alright into hell we go" I say while getting out of the car. As were walking around Owen spots the 3 girls we hung out with. As we all walk there way, I see Ruth. She looks at me and then away, "hey girls!" Owen says in a girly tone causing the 2 girls to laugh.


..Ruth's POV..

As I stand there, hearing them talk I start zoning out. As I'm thinking about life and shit like that, Owen shakes my shoulder. "You okay?" This time it was Owen asking me. Everyone looked at me, I start getting nervous for some reason. "I'm fine" I say with a smile. I look at him and he's looking at me like he's trying to see if I'm actually fine.

"I'm fine I promise" I say "okay then whatever you say miss Gray" he says with a smile. I let out a little laugh. As I look up I see Blake looking at me, what the hell is this bastard looking at. I stare at him trying to make him look away and he does.

"Alright well guys I'm gonna go, see you all at lunch" I say and turn around making my way to the library. As I find a seat all the way in a corner I sit down and take out a book. As i start reading I hear the popular girls come in.

As I try to hide away from them, ever since 1st year of high school they've been bullying me. They've made my life living hell.

"Oh look there's the loner" she says and all her friends start laughing. "Shh" the librarian says to Rebecca the mean girl who thinks she's all that, she rolls her eyes and looks back at me.

Today I don't feel like being bugged at all so I stand up grab my stuff and walk out hoping they wouldn't follow. As I walk out the door I hear Rebecca behind my tracks. "Hey Loner" she says. Fuck. I stop dead in my tracks and look at her.

"What do you want Rebecca?!" I ask "aww what are you sad? Are you sad because your sister is dead. Maybe she killed her self because she was tired of you. I mean who wouldn't be tired of you your a bitch and a nasty whore!" She says.

Everyone was looking at us, "look who's talking your the nasty whore here. You've slept with every single guy in the football team so I wouldn't be talking" I say.

She looked angry, but who gives a fuck it's the truth. "You bitch!" She says, next thing I know she slapped me. Fucking bitch, I was angry now. I punch her and she falls back, "you broke my nose" she says blood running down her nose.

Shit I hit that hard, "oh no I'm sorry why don't you go get surgery and fix that! Just like you did with your fake ass and fake fucking tits!" I say and walk away.

I don't want to be here anymore, I don't even know why I came in the first place. As I walk out the school doors I make my way to the park. God school was fucking hell.


..Blake's POV..

I stood there in the corner seeing everything that went down, I saw Ruth head out the doors. She looked mad and Rebecca looked ashamed. I laughed and walked out the school doors.

For some reason I wanted to know if Ruth was okay, as I'm walking I see her sitting on a park bench. "You alright?" I say while sitting down. She looked at me and then looked away. "Why do you care?!" She says. "I don't really care" I say "they why the fuck did you ask? And did you follow me you creep!" She says standing up.

"I didn't follow you" I say "mmh sure whatever" she says grabbing her stuff. "Wait alright Im sorry didn't mean to be an ass" I say grabbing her wrist. Shit her wrist was small, it fit in my hand like a little kids.

"Why are you here?" She asks me, "I just wanted to see if you were okay after all that" I say "I'm fine it's not something that hasn't happened before" she says sitting down. "What do you mean?" I ask her "nothing" she says.

As we sit there in silence, I say "I'm sorry I didn't properly introduce myself back in the arcade "I'm Blake Carter" I say sticking my hand out. "I'm Ruth Gray" she says shaking my hand. Her touch was warm but cold at the same time.


"So what was all that about?" I ask her "what? She says "with that girl" I say "oh Rebecca" she says "mmh" I say. "Nothing important she was just being a bitch like always" she says looking at the water under the bridge. "What did she do or tell you that made you punch her?" I ask her.

I saw her body go stiff, and she look upset. "Nothing.." she says. She already look uncomfortable so I didn't want to push her or make her more uncomfortable.

"So Carter, how long have you lived here for?" She asks me "3 years" I say "3 years? How come you're new at school even though you've been here for that long?" She says "I dropped out of school 1st year of high school" I tell her. "Oh I see how come?" she asks.

All the bad memories starts coming back but I shake them off. "Needed a break from that hell hole" I say she laughs. Her laugh it was beautiful it was like music. Something I would never get tired if hearing. "Your right school is hell" she says. As we both look at each other for some reason I wanted to hug her, hold her close, kiss her. What the fuck man chill the fuck down. I told myself shaking those thoughts away.

"Well umm I should get going it was nice getting to know you more Carter. Now I know Your not such an asshole" she says with a smirk. "Why did you think that?" I ask her standing up as well.

"Well that night In the arcade you seemed like an asshole, your face held a cold expression and i don't know" she says laughing a bit.

"Well I'm not such an asshole" I say "mmh okay bye Carter" She says. "Bye Gray" I say and then she walks off. For some reason I felt alone without her. I shake all the thoughts about her and walked into the city.


This is the end of chapter 4 hope you guys like it. Don't forget to Vote love you all 💕

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