Chapter 11

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..Blake's POV..

There's a big crowd forming around someone, the guys and I go and try to see who it was. As I push people out of the way I finally see who it was. It was Ruth.

I rush next to her and check her pulse she was still breathing. "What happen?!" I ask getting worried "I-I d-" Lucy couldn't talk she was choking on her words.

"She suddenly passed out" Nora says, they were both crying. Diego goes to Nora and tries to calm her down. Owen is hugging Lucy trying to relax her.

"Ruth?hey please wake up" I say shaking her, she didn't budge. As I'm picking her up some people come rushing it with medic bags and a bed that they put people on.

"Son please lay her here" they say I nod and lay her down. They start doing something but I'm not paying attention I'm looking at Ruth. "Please be okay love.." I say. Then medic people start taking her away. I look around and some people are recording, and some are laughing. What the fuck! "Whoever recorded better erase that shit or I won't hesitate to rip your guys heads off!" I shout.

Everyone looked at me with shockness on their faces. I rush out the doors and into my car I go.


..Ruth's POV..

I open my eyes slowly and looked around, I was in a truck, there was a lady by me. She was checking something. "Hey honey" she says "hi.." I say weakly "what's going on?" I ask her. "You fainted, but everything's okay you were just dehydrated. Honey have you aten anything in the past 3days?" She asks me.

Fuck "no.." I say "okay honey, so here's the deal your body was just weak, since it wasn't well hydrated and didn't have much food. Can you try to eat something every day?" She asks me.

"I can try.." I say "then that's all that matter sweetie" she says I smile and lay my head back I was tired. I open my eyes again and see I'm in a hospital room, there was a needle in my skin. And there was machines by me.

"Hey girl your awake" I look to my side and see Nora and Lucy. "Hey guys" I say they smile and hug me lightly. "How are you feeling?" Nora asks me "I'm feeling okay" I say. "That's good" Lucy says.

"The guys are here to see you" Lucy says "all of them?" I ask her "yeah" she says. I nod "well tell them they can come in if they want" I say. They both nod and walkout. "RUTH!" Owen shouts and rushes next to me hugging me. "Ouch to hard Owen" I say he backs away immediately "sorry I just thought I was gonna lose you...." he says.

I smile sadly, "oh boy you can't get rid of me that easily." I say we both laugh. "Well I'm glad your okay Ruth" he says I smile and thank him. Well, ill head out we'll see you later." He says I smile and he nods.

"Glad your okay" Diego says, "me too" I say we do our handshake. "I'll wait for you outside man" Diego says to Blake. He nods, while looking at the ground.

Why did he bother to come? He probably doesn't care. He fucking ignored me, and then has the balls to come here. "It's good to see your okay" he says "yeah.." I say a bit mad. I look up and meet his eyes, god I missed those beautiful eyes.

I look away and start playing with the blanket. "I'm going to go" he says "okay" I say not looking up. But I was a bit hurt that he didn't say sorry for ignoring me or why.


It's been a week since I got out the hospital, I stayed with Nora for the week. I didn't want to go home, my parents were still there, and I didn't want to face them.

As I'm walking back home, it's late at night. I'm walking through a dark pathway when I hear something snap behind me. I turn around to see a black figure.

I start walking faster but that was no use, the guy grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bushes. I tried screaming but he covered my mouth. "Let me go!" I say while trying to get away. He chuckles and pushes me to the ground; my head hits the ground. I groan and try to get up but my head hurts.

TW⚠️sexual violence⚠️

I see the man on top of me, he was smiling. He looked around his 40's. "Let me go!" I shout, He smirks and starts kissing my neck. I want to gag, "please let me go..." by now I felt tears rolling down my cheeks.

His hands start going up my legs, "please" I say trying to punch and kick him. But it was no use, "HELP!" I shout, the guy looked pissed he slapped me and started lifting my shirt up.

"Please n-" but I get cut off by someone pulling him off of me. I pull my shirt down and cradle me legs holding them tight. I look up and see a guy pulled him off. He was punching the living shit out of the man.

"Never touch a girl you fucking bastard!" Then I recognized the voice. It was Blake, I get up immediately and start running away.

I don't want him to see me like this, I look disgusting and probably my mascara is all over my eyes. I hear sirens close by, he probably called the cops.

By now I'm walking, when I'm about to turn a corner A hand grabs my wrist. I yell and punch whoever grabbed me. "Fuck" it was Blake. I want to laugh but I don't, I continue walking. "Hey Gray please stop" he says. I keep walking "Gray I said to stop!" I stop and look at him mad. I was angry, sad and scared at the same time.

"What the fuck do you want?" I ask him "no thank you for saving you back there?" He asks "thanks" I say and turn around. "Stop walking away from me" he says I continue walking "fuck. stop ignoring me Gray" Blake says.

I scoff "ignoring you? You fucking ignored me for almost 2 weeks.!" I shout, "I didn't ignore you" he says lowly "the fuck you did, you didn't text, nor call me back" I say. "I had my reasons" he says "what are they huh?" I ask him. He stays quiet "did the kiss not mean shit to you? Did you not mean anything you said! Was it all a lie!?" I ask getting angry.

"It didn't mean shit to you, did it?" I ask he stayed quiet, "whatever" I say. I turn around and I was about to walk when he finally spoke up. "It did mean something to me, it was the best night of my life. I was ignoring you because I was scared..." he finally admits.

"Scared of what...?" I ask walking closer to him, "I was scared of hurting you. I don't want to hurt you. All I do is hurt people and I hate that. I don't care if I hurt someone else. But it's you, and I don't want to hurt you Gray" he says I looked at him shocked.

"You won't hurt me Carter..." I say grabbing his hand. "I am..I don't want to risk hurting you. I don't want to hurt you; you don't deserve more pain..." he says grabbing both of my hands.

"You want to know something..." I say "what?" He asks "whenever I'm with you, I'm happy. And I smile, not a fake smile a true happy smile. You make me happy Carter" I say he looked shocked. "Really?"

I nod, he smiles and it's a full smile. Not just a small one, or a side smile it was a big happy smile. He pulls me into a hug, I hug him back. Damm, I missed his hug, I missed the way I felt safe and happy with him.

We both pull back after a couple of minutes, "I'm so sorry I ignored you. I'm sorry if I hurt you..." he says "it's okay Carter." I say "it's not and I promise I'll try to make it up to you" he says I smile, and he smirks. His smile could make me happy even if I'm sad.

It's the most gorgeous smile I've ever seen, as we both stand there he leans down and places a kiss on my forehead "I'm sorry Gray, I promise I won't ever ignore you." he says I smile and hug him. He hugs me back embracing me in a big hug.

"Thank you for saving me back there...I'm glad you saved me." I say he hugs me tighter and kisses my head. "Your welcome love, do you need a ride home?" He asks.

"Yes please" I say he smiles


Don't forget to vote I hope you guys are enjoying this story so far. And I'm so sorry if I triggered any of you guys that was never my intention. I'm so sorry.

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