Chapter 18

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..Blake's POV..

"Are you gonna ask Ruth to be your prom date?" Diego asks me. "Yeah I am." I say why wouldn't I, she's the only one I want by my side. "Are you gonna ask Nora?" I ask him with a smirk. "I don't know if she has a date already" he says. Diego looked a bit upset "want me to tell Ruth to ask her?" I ask him.

"You would do that?" He asks a bit shocked "yeah I guess" I say rolling my eyes." "What has Ruth done to you, I need to thank her" he says with a chuckle. I roll my eyes and throw a pillow at him. He throws it back at me, "YEAH A PILLOW FIGHT!" Owen shouts while running through my bedroom door and grabbing a pillow from my bed.

About a couple minutes later we're done having a pillow fight, "so Owen you asking Lucy to prom?" I ask Owen. "I don't know" he says, "what do you mean you don't know you dipshit" Diego says.

"I mean I want to but I'm scared." He says, "what if she rejects me. You know I hate rejections." He says while eating his gummy worms. Owen had a hard time with girls. He always got to attached, and the girls ended up hurting him. Ever since his last relationship which was about 5 years ago.

He hasn't dated anyone, "come on dude, it's obvious Lucy likes you" Diego says "she doesn't like m-" but I cut him off. "Your a blind fucker that's why you don't notice it" I say. "I'm not a blind fucker you bitch" he says I laugh and punch his shoulder.

"Ouch ima tell bestay your hitting me" he says referring to Ruth. Talking about Ruth I miss her I haven't seen her all day. She didn't go to school, and she hasn't answer my calls or texts.

"Alright I have to go, you guys can stay I'll probably be back later I don't know." I say and with that I walk out my room.


As I get out my car, I make my way up to Ruth's front door. As I knock there's no answer. I knock again no answer. I kneel down and get the key that was under the mat. As I unlock the door I walk inside and see no one inside.

I walk upstairs, as I open Ruth's bedroom door I see her laying down. She was sleeping, maybe that's why she wasn't answering. I close her door slowly and walk toward her, I kneel down infront of her. She was sleeping, I kiss her forehead causing her to wake up.

You stupid fucker, "hey my love" I say, she lightly smiled "hey baby" she says while sitting up. I looked at her and I was a bit worried, she looked a bit sick she had dark eye bags under her eyes. And she looked pale, "love are you feeling okay?" I ask her.

"Yeah I'm just tired" she says, I press my hand on her forehead to see if she had a fever but she was fine. "Have you aten?" I ask her she nods 'no' "I'm not really hungry" she says. "You sure?" I ask her she nods.

I smile a kiss her lips, she kisses back. I take off my shoes and my jacket. I walk to the other side and lay down. Ruth turns around now facing me. "I missed you" I say she smiles and snuggles closer to me.

"I missed you too sorry I didn't go to school" she says "it's okay" I say while running my fingers through her hair. "What did you do today?" I ask her "I read one of the books you gave me for Christmas, then I watched a movie and I ended up falling asleep she says while laughing a bit.

"How about you?" She asks me "I went to a few clases, it was boring though cause you weren't there. Then I hung out with the guys. That's all" I say, as we continue talking we both soon fall asleep in each other's arms.


"Wow this is really good" she says while putting another spoonful of soup in her mouth. I made her some soup to eat since she hadn't anything all day. "Is it that good?" I ask her she nods with a big smile.

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