Chapter 1

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Finally I take off my shoes and my jacket. I shout "AMELIA IM HOME" I walk into the kitchen and get the box of crackers. God I was starving, I run up the stairs into my room. "Amelia?" I shout again no response. Maybe she's not home, I get a bad feeling in my stomach though.

So I stand up and walk to her room. It was locked she never locks her room. I mean when we were 8 yeah cause I always annoyed her. I run to my room and grab a coin and run back to her door. I knock "Amelia?" Again no answer.

"Fine I'm coming in" I say and turn the lock with the coin. I open the door, her rooms empty. "What the fuck.." I say, "Mel stop playing with me where are you" I say. I look around and see her bathroom light on. "Oh there you are" I say letting a sigh of relief. As I open the door I say "Guess What i have so much t-" but what I see makes me go silent.

My body starts trembling, and my eyes start getting blurry. "AMELIA!" I shout as I see my big sister on the floor surrounded by blood. "FUCK NO AMELIA!" I shout running towards her. Her wrist didn't stop bleeding, fuck I put pressure on both wrists.

"Hey Amelia please answer me please.." i say, hearing my voice crack at the end. I get my phone out with my bloody hands and dial 911. "This is 911 whats Your emergency?" The lady on the other side asks "I need sister she's bleeding and the blood doesn't stop coming out help me please!" I say.

"Honey please calm down, is there anything else?" She asks "pills.." fuck I see 2 bottles off pills. "PILLS SHE TOOK PILLS" I say "what kind of p-" what the hell is wrong with her. "IT DOESNT FUCKING MATTER PLEASE JUST SEND HELP THE ADRESS IS 143 OAK AVENUE STREET!" I shout.

As I hear The ambulance sirens I keep talking to Amelia hoping she'll talk back but she doesn't as the doctors and police officers start coming in a girl officer pulls me back. "NO NO PLEASE" I shout trying to get out of her grip. "Sweetie calm down she'll be okay" she says hugging me.

"Please save her.." I say crying. "Well try baby" she says. I look at Amelia, her body laying there she looked at peace was she? I look at a doctor that looked up he shakes his head. no fuck no she can't be gone.

"NO NO TRY KEEP TRYING HELP HER" I say "I'm sorry sweetie" the girl officer says. "No...Amelia please" i say sitting by her. "Please wake up.." I say hugging her body. Blood on me now but I don't care. "Please..." i say crying into her neck..

..Ruth's POV..

"Amelia!" I shout I sit up from my sleeping position. It was a nightmare once again. The same nightmare over and over again.

I look at the clock and see it's 4:40a.m, fucking hell I get up and go to the bathroom. As I look in the mirror I see sweat running down my forehand, and tears rolling down my cheeks.

I splash some water on my face and go back into my room. As I try to go back to sleep I can't, so I get up put a hoodie on and some shoes then run downstairs. I open the door from outside and walk outside.


As I walk around the city, seeing all the buildings, and the cars speeding down the streets. I sit on a bench that's in my favorite park and take out my cigarettes. I light one up, ever since Amelia passed my life started going downhill, I became a shitty person.

I lost friends, grades dropped, my mental health went down the drain. I wasn't the same person that I use to be 3 years ago. Amelia was my other half we were just 1 year apart. We were really close, we did everything together, she was the best sister in the world.

And when I lost her..I lost the other half of me. As the smoke comes out my mouth I start coughing, I've been smoking since the incident, my friends Nora and Lucy have been trying to help me to stop smoking. But they can't, smoking is like and escape from here, it makes me feel something , it makes me relax.

I takeout my phone and check the time it's now 5:30am. I sigh, squishing the cigarette under my foot and getting up. As I start walking back home a memory of Amelia and I starts running through me head.

"Alright hold the ladder Okay" Amelia shouts from the top of the ladder. "Okay" i shout back laughing. It's Christmas time, Amelia is hanging some lights while I hold the latter for her.

I move the ladder, causing Amelia to get scared. "RUTH STOP!" She shouts I can't help but laugh. "If I die, I'm gonna come back and haunt your ass" she says. I laugh, as she climbs back down she tackles me into the snow.

"HEY!" I shout, she laughs and starts throwing snow at me. "Your gonna regret this" I say and start making snow balls.


I smile at the memory it was fun, once we went back inside she made us some hot chocolate and we watched the grinch. I unlock the front door and walk inside taking of my boots and laying on the couch.

About 10 minutes later I couldn't t fall asleep anymore. So I stayed up until the sun shined through the living room window. I got up, walking up to my room. It was Monday which means there was school.

I groaned at the thought of school, as I picked a random hoodie from my closet and some jeans I put them on. I didn't put on makeup I hated makeup. As I grabbed my backpack, I ran downstairs and walked back out the door.

On the way to school my stomach started grumbling, I haven't aten anything since yesterday's morning. I didn't really care about the pain in my stomach for not eating I'm use to it.


I shut my locker, leaning my head on it. I started getting dizzy. "Hey" I look up and see Nora. Nora has been my friend since 6th grade, she nice and smart and really beautiful. "Hey Nora" I say with a smile.

"Here" she says handing me a snack bar, "thanks" I say with a small smile. "Hey girls" I look behind me and see Lucy. She smiles and hugs me I hug her back. "Hey Lucy" I say "hey Ruth" she says while pulling back to go hug Nora.

"How are you guys?" She asks with a smile. "I'm good" Nora says "I'm fine" I say with a small smile. Lucy smiles at me, a kind smile. These 2 girls know about my problems they've helped me.

"So guess what i heard" Nora says "what?" Me and Lucy ask her. "3 new guys are coming to this school" she says with a grin. "Ooh really" Lucy says.

"Yeah well that's what I heard I don't know" she says we all laugh and start waking down the halls.


Hey guys so this is the end of the first chapter I hope you liked it. I'm sorry if it's boring I tried. I also decided to tell you guys a bit about Ruth's past and what's happened In her life.

Im sorry if this triggered anyone. I also want to let you guys know I might update either twice or once a week since I have school. I'll try my best.

Well bye guys I love you all thank you for deciding to read this story I appreciate it.

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