I pull them on and climb back into bed, Louis inching closer in his sleep and nuzzling his nose into my chest, a sigh leaving his lips. I stroke his hair, staring up at the ceiling.

The more I sit in the darkness, the more my thoughts run rampant and the more I hate myself for ever having to dream what I just did. It turned me on for fuck's sake. Louis would be so grossed out and disappointed in me, which causes the tears to blur my vision.

I squint my eyes shut, bottom lip wobbling. I try my hardest to contain myself but the tears slip through my eyelashes, dribbling onto my chin. My hands begin to shake as they continue to card through Louis' hair.

Sleep finally consumes me once all my tears have run dry and sit against my blotchy cheeks, guilt weighing on my chest.

Someone prods me on the shoulder, making me grumble. It happens again and I elbow them in the side.

"Oi," he gasps, pinning my hands above my head. "Right, that's it." One hand holds my wrists, the other fingers feather like as they tickle against my armpits and sides.

My legs kick, giggles lifting into the air. My eyes peel open to see Louis with his tongue sticking out the side in concentration, laughter filling his bright eyes, hair flopping.

I frown. I can't help it. My smile drops and a frown forms. Knowing what happened last night brings humiliation to come back to surface.

Louis falters, brows creasing. His hands come away from me and he slides to sit beside me. "Hey. You okay?"

I nod, force a smile despite myself. "Yeah." I cough. "I'm fine, just, yeah, sorry." I shake my head.

He now frowns but pecks a kiss to my nose. "You sure?"

I nod. "Mhm. Now why did you wake me?"

He gives me a look. "You have a lecture in under thirty minutes. Marie was yelling at me to get you up because she's tired of doing it herself."

I scramble from the bed, running to grab a top from his wardrobe, not having time to shower or anything. It takes just over fifteen minutes to walk there, for Christ's sakes.

"Should've woke me earlier!" I squeak, grabbing Louis' oversized checkered top, though now I realise it's actually mine.

"Not my fault. You should put your alarm back on." He folds his arms. "Someone's woken up on the wrong side this morning. You on your period or sommet?"

I give him a glare, running out the room, and into the kitchen where Marie is sorting out two travel mugs to pop tea into. She wears her white pleated skirt and white and beige collared jumper.

"Took you long enough, what you doing in there?" she asks, handing me the silver travel mug.

"Probably wanking," Niall pipes, walking into the room with an empty cereal bowl.

My heart falters. I try to push the thought from my mind, shaking my head.

"Where's Li and Z?" I ask instead.

"Lacrosse," Niall replies. "Which me and Lou will go watch before our lectures, right, Lou?"

Louis shrugs. "No. I ain't walking all that way."

"You are and you will." He pats Louis' cheek as he walks past. "'M gonna go for a shit."

"Good to know," Marie chimes, face in a grimace. She checks the clock, eyes widening. She chucks a banana at me, shoving an apple into her bag. She grabs my hand, pulling me along. "Come on, we're gonna be late!"

I plod along, pressing my feet into my shoes.

"H! You're wearing my joggers?" Louis asks from the kitchen, staring at my arse.

My Gay Roommate (L.S)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin