|}#4T*NY thought they were Wonderful puppets. Its precious chosen made the most wonderful things and was a kind SOUL at heart. But they were forced to a life of torment because of another's ignorance. To be fair, it was the work of another like |}#4T*NY . F4^# was another great being who twisted the strings of every mortal's future. |}#4T*NY was like an extension of F4^# as F4^# was an extension of |}#4T*NY. Both were their own beings and made their own decisions. As long as there were no intersections that greatly affected the person's path.

The 2 coexisted. Peacefully

One day, F4^# decided it was a good idea to interact with
|}#4T*NY'% unfinished symphony. Giving it a different Fate than |}#4T*NY originally intended. They were subject to a blinding white place outside of their Multiverse where they were forced into a role that did not fit anyone with a sane mind. He, a kind SOUL, was told to kill off innocence for he sake of an improperly built balance. F4^#'% string were tightly attached to their SOUL, dooming him to this false path. F4^#'% strings were still attached to the SOUL, but they were severed by the void.
|}#4T*NY let its own strings, lead the SOUL away from the group it was in. In order to complete the true Destiny of the SOUL
|}#4T*NY was leading it to a place where it's chosen could restart the live it deserves. It was broken and torn. Scratched and duller than any SOUL should be. This was their well deserved redemption.

One of the other SOULs noticed the lack of one and started looking, getting the attention of the rest of the bundled group.

|}#4T*NY, too focused on the young SOUL who hesitantly following the lightly tugging string, didn't notice the other following SOULs until the pulling stopped and a multitude of SOULs were slipping through the portal that was supposed to be for one.

It took |}#4T*NY a lot longer than it wished to have realize the dire situation. Now observing the SOULs that had gotten too close to one another during their fall but not realizing the unkept tear in the void that would cause many problems in the future.

Opening his sockets, Error felt tired...

He didn't want this. He didn't want to wake after falling. He jumped to die, that's the only thing he wanted. Everything else could be taken from him, he doesn't care, but why couldn't death embrace him like he so begs it to. Something like death shouldn't—doesn't—discriminate.

"...COuLD yoU NoT yELL?" He asked no one. He had voices in his head before but these didn't voice scream at him. Or at least it didn't sound like they were breathing him for his mer existence. But they were yelling a lot.


"Uhhh... WhaT ABOUt the vOId...?"

Error's eyelights dimmed before his body fell limp but quickly caught itself and say up. He looked around, confused but a grin slowly rose in his face. "wELL isn't THIS a surPRise" he seemed shocked at his voice but nonetheless attempted to stand on his shaking cracked legs. "fOX YOUR lEgS are sHIT"


Error seemed pissed at something in his head. The continuous chatter of the voices in his head was bothering and annoying him. He rubbed and scratched his skull trying to get rid of them. But he just couldn't get rid of them.

"OH quIT winNING. YoU'RE LuckY YOU evEN geT uR boDY. tH1S isn'T mY BoDY" he argued with himself. Or voices in his head.

Error continued attempting to walk, stumbling but eventually getting to the entrance of the alley they were in. Looking around there was a parking lot to the far right where multiple cars were. A grand building stood and was what he was apparently leaning against. Walking to the front of the building it had simple colors, mostly being made of brink on the outside. Looking bored at the sight—the Ink inside his head complained about the lack of colorError grinned pulled out stings from his sockets and threw them at the school.

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