"He's been hiring an assassin to kill the people who get exposed. He's a killer," She whispered and took her hands to her mouth to hide her tears.

I really couldn't wrap my mind around what was happening. Her dad, my grandfather's friend was the one ordering the deaths?

I took her into my arms to reassure her that I was on her side. I didn't know what to say so I went to grab a bottled water from the fridge for her. The luminous light from the fridge illuminated the room more. I turned to give her the water when my face came too close to hers taking me by surprise.

I stumbled back surprised, I had left her on the couch and now she was here before me. I also didn't hear her moving. "Here," I held out the water to her. She took it without her gaze leaving mine. Her hands slightly grazed mine and she let it linger there for a while before grabbing the water.

I immediately took my hands to my pocket and loosened my tie. Out of all days to dress cooperate, I choose today.

"You look really good in a suit," She commented.

"Thanks. I'm not really a fan of it," I replied as I moved to my desk area.

"Yeah, I know how much you hate suits," She laughed as she followed me and looked upwards like she was reminiscing about something. "I remember how you hated the fact that you had to wear a suit for your graduation. You complained to me all night remember?" She spoke with a big grin on her face and clasped her hands looking at me for my reply.

Yeah, I do remember...... I remember telling my girlfriend who went back to Korea at that time about my everyday activities. I was so in love with this woman. But she broke my heart and I'm not going back to that.

"I miss those times," She sighed and stared into my soul. "We are literally the perfect pair. I always feel so peaceful and at home when I'm with you. You know?"

I nodded without realizing it.

She took her hands to the spot on my neck and caressed my hair softly. "I love that you're always there for me. Please don't leave me."

Before I could speak up she came closer and crashed her lips onto mine. Taken back, I froze. The taste of her lips was so familiar and yet dangerous. Wait did she get a lip filler?

Yep, she differently did.

Just as I was about to stop her the door opened and my eyes came to view with puppy brown eyes. The expression on her face fell and I immediately pushed Nana away.

She chuckled and shook her head with disappointment. I felt a sharp pain in my heart when she looked at me with such disappointment and anger. She immediately turned and walked out while throwing the file in her hands on the floor harshly.


"That should make her know her place," Nana muttered. She tried to hold me again but I ignored her and immediately went after Quinn.

"Quinn Quinn please wait," I called after her but she didn't listen and continued speed walking. I saw her getting into the elevator and immediately rushed to meet her but the elevator shut oblivious to my wants. I saw the look on her face as the elevator shut and I swear she mouthed fuck you.

Trying my best, I sprinted to the stairs and ran down to the ground floor hoping to catch her. I really messed up this time but honestly, it wasn't my fault nana kissed me I didn't kiss her.

I know it was rude and hurtful on Quinn's side thinking about how I turned her down the other day and now this. She must see me as such a duch bag and I honestly don't blame her. I just couldn't bring myself to fall for someone or open my heart, especially to someone who was set up by the man I hate the most 'my grandfather' I can't let him have what he wants even if that means giving up what I want.

I saw her walking towards the front door as she came out of the elevator and used the back of her hands to wipe her tears. I can't believe I'm the cause of her tears. Me the fuck boy and blonde mess made the powerful and beautiful Quinn cry, I never even saw her falling for me. She seemed like the type to hate me, I liked the banter but now I've messed it up and have this woman crying.

"Quinn please," I said and stood before her, stopping her from walking by holding her shoulders. She roughly threw my hands off her.

"What the actual fuck!"

"It's not what it seems. Please let me explain."

"I really don't need an explanation for shit," She spat angrily and wiped the tears that escaped her eyes again. "God, why am I even crying? I'm so angry, I feel so used and stupid. So I'm just that girl you met by chance just for a family deal? The times we've spent together, in bed together the kiss. They all mean nothing to you? I really don't get how someone can be so heartless."

Her words cut through me like a knife. The hurt in her voice, the cracks due to the tears inflicted actual cracks in my heart. I tried to speak but she continued. I noticed how her lower lips quivered as she spoke and her little sniffs.

"I know you're the almighty Ace Winston the one who can get anyone he wants and fuck... Fuck you Ace you got me alright. Now you have another girl to add to your list. Well done. Your boys would be so-fucking-proud of you," She laughed and clapped. Her voice and claps echoed in the building as it was practically empty. "You know I never thought this would happen. I'm so sorry I've gotten in your way of playing with different girls every day. Go back to your world, go meet her and live a fucking awesome life Ace," She smiled devilishly through the obvious pain. Her eyes were getting redder by the minute.

What do I say after that??

I was tongue-tied. It was like my checks stopped producing saliva, my mouth and throat were a desert. I had never been in this situation before. I felt so bare and naked before her. I was embarrassed, I messed up so badly. The fact that someone I cared for so much was feeling that way because of me had me feeling terrible.

She nodded at my silence. "I thought so," She muttered and walked passed me, slipping out of my grip. I couldn't even move.

I watched the one girl I genuinely care about walk out of my life and all I could do was stand there. How could I explain to her that I had a lot to say but just couldn't due to the emotions rushing through me. I had never felt such a rush of emotions before.

Seeing her cry and hurt. The voice of her in pain kept on replaying in my head followed by the opposite voice of when she was excited. My head hung low and I didn't even notice the tear that slipped from my eyes. I didn't want to let her go. I need her in my life. I need Quinn Manchester.

She wasn't just some girl I was tolerating because of my family, I enjoyed every moment I spent with her. She was a sanctuary. She was my sanctuary for the few months since we met. It was at that moment when she slipped away from me that I realized....

I love her.

I love her.... And I just let her go.


Hides behind the curtains and peeps

Hello beautiful people! How's everyone?

I know I know don't hate me. And also don't hate Ace.

He's learning. He's growing. Please 😭🤭

Wow, this chapter was full of so many emotions my poor babies 😭😭

I wonder how this is all going to play out 🙈

Let's get into the fun. Don't forget to vote, comment, and share pretty pleaseeeeeee.

And wow we are on 17k reads OMG!!! I'm so excited and I'm so sorry for the extremely slow update. Faster updates are coming I promise.

QOTD: Have you ever been heartbroken?

All I have to say is it is well.😭

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