Chapter No 23

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jungkook pov


all darkness..... 

until I turned to the other and the sun hit me in the face with its usual get-up-fucker type of greeting. why did it have to shine so damn bright on me? I'm not a vampire he can kill with too much light.

and who the fuck opened the blinds anyways.

rubbing my head I got up, the drama from last night still playing in my head. I could feel my face still reddish and puffed up a little. great. what a damn morning. I got up and headed to the bathroom. the cold water hitting my skin as I stood under the shower.

getting done with that I came out with a towel wrapped around my waist as I headed into the closet to look for my clothes for the day. as I came in I saw everything already prepared on the table. a grey suit, with a matching watch, no tie... along with a brooch. hold on a sec. I don't wear brooches. I frowned.

who picked this stuff out?? Mrs. Yoon wasn't allowed to and if she wasn't then the others had no chance of coming in here. that left only one person. I smirked.

"trying to be a wife huh? we'll see how that goes."

I changed into the suit, clasping the watch around my wrist as I walked out. the dressing wasn't something I put much thought into on a daily basis. only some occasions where it was needed. combing my hair with my hands I tied a rubber band around them to keep them out of my face and went out.

I was at the last step when I heard voices from the dining room. laughs.

it was the first time the morning in this house was so......strange. what the hell was going on? I went in and they all turned to me. y/n smiled and pulled out the chair. 

"good morning."

 she served breakfast to both of them as I took my seat and she did the same for me, taking a seat herself. she was blending in well or so it seemed. she didn't really talk much to me though, and just steered clear.

"so you are really an artist."

 jimin spoke as they went back to whatever they were talking about. I didn't really pay much attention to it, staying silent.

"yes, I am, why? don't you believe it? "

she said as jimin chuckled back at her.

"no I mean you even look like one so I won't say anything, right kook?"

I looked up at him raising an eyebrow, sudden question directed to me had me halted for a second. was I supposed to participate in this?


 "I said she looks like an artist right?"

my eyes went to her who wasn't looking at me but nervously smiling at jimin.


"I don't know."

it fell silent after I said that. did I say something wrong? well that was until jimin spoke and I realized, maybe I did.

"way to ruin the mood. "

he grumbled as taehyung just sat quietly eating. I saw y/n smile at him.

"it's fine jimin."

she turned to me with the same smile tilting her a bit as she asked. 

"Are you feeling ok now?"

I frowned seeing the concern on her face. well, I could feel myself functioning well, so I guess nothing was wrong. then what was this about?

Guns and RosesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora