Chapter No 17

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jungkook pov

I shut the door behind me coming into my room. I started unbuttoning my shirt. as my hands were occupied with the I noticed a sleeping figure on the bed. tilting my head I went towards her. she was sleeping in a very uncomfortable position.

I crouched on my knees and stared at her for a good two minutes. Her pale skin looked way too smooth to be real, her cheeks and nose red because of the cold, he pink lips pouting a little as she slept so peacefully even in that state. 

tch, what is this some sort of fairy tale? where I'm supposed to... I don't, know tuck her in . and why is she even dropped here like a doll?

I intended on waking her up at first but then my eyes went into the mirror having a look at my own state and then deciding against it. getting up, I closed the window to save her from freezing till morning, adjusted the temperature, took my clothes, and went out.

guess I'll take the guest room tonight. who knows she might freak out or something first thing in the morning.

next morning.

the sun hit me directly in the face as the blinds were open making me groan. the alarm ringing on the side table just added to it. I turned it off and got up checking the time.

8:10. perfect. 

rubbing my eyes I still felt a bit sleepy. I went towards the bathroom to have a shower but instead bumped into a wall, hard.

"oww, the fuck, since when was this here."

opening my eyes I looked around. oh right, I wasn't in my own room but the guest room. rubbing my head a bit at the spot it hit I went towards the bathroom, in the right direction this time.

what a splendid morning.

getting done drying my hair and putting on my clothes I shut the door on my way out. passing the corridor I realized the door to my room was still shut. was she still sleeping? or was she downstairs?

letting it be, I went downstairs, the maids getting the breakfast table ready.

"good morning master"


I sat down checking my phone as it pinged with a message from jimin. "can't join you for breakfast see you at the office."

"huh, master what happened are you okay?"

I looked up at her as she stared at me with a concerned look making me frown.


"Your forehead, it's bruised."

I rubbed the spot where I supposedly hit my head this morning and clicked my tongue. how annoying. 

"master should I--"

"It's fine."

I said as I got up fixed my blazer and headed out. though apparently, it all was just how it used to be, minus, m in the guest room. I still couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I was now tied to someone. I snickered to myself, it even felt ridiculous saying it in my head just how the fuck. busy in my thoughts I received a call from taehyung.

"where are you?" 

"on the road. wherelse."

"and why is that?"

I frowned. taehyung was just too organized to be with, sometimes. he would want the other to just read his mind and do everything without him having to open his damn mouth and if someone did just that he get angry as to why not wait for his instructions.

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