Chapter No 29

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author pov

it's been going well

fairly well, 

if you'd ask the couple in the house or anyone else for that matter.

of course, it would. when they wouldn't talk to each other, other than the greetings then it's bound to go well, isn't it? but that's where the issue was. a month passed and the couple was still so quiet around each other.

jungkook would wake up, go to the office, handle the" other matters", come back, have dinner, and sleep. that's how y/n's been seeing it. she, on the other hand, would wake up, make breakfast, have it with the three of them, and then when they were gone she just roamed around here and there talking to Mrs. Yoon or helping her with the house chores.

what robotic routine had they both been living?

she went to visit her grandfather a few times and that was the only time she got out of the house. now she was actually somewhat realizing what her husband was. and she was slightly scared of it. what if she couldn't live with him? what would happen to their marriage? but then she shook off the thoughts with,

that's too far-fetched y/n get to know him first, then judge.

and that's exactly what she's going to do right now. she wore a simple nude pink dress with short butterfly sleeves and left her hair loose. standing in the kitchen she was making tea for herself but then an idea hit her head and now she's making for cup for her husband as well.

and that's when taehyung came into the kitchen smiling at the new presence. Usually, at his time the house would be empty so it was beautiful to have such a bright soul in the house of dark devils. he wondered if it would stay like that for long though.

"what are you doing y/n"

"oh hey taehyung, nothing just making tea for myself"

he glanced at the cup and then at her, the smile still there turning to a little teasing one. though she was married to him she was still a little shy talking straightforwardly about him.

"but I see two cups. is the other one for me?"

"hmm, you can have it if you want"

she looked up at him and smiled while he slightly frowned at that. not the expected answer he got.

"didn't you make it for jungkook?" 

"I did but if you want I can make one for you too."

"oh no, please I don't want to trouble her highness" 

he exaggerated with a slight bow and she laughed. she put the cups in the tray as taehyung was busy brewing some coffee for himself.

"by the way ...where is he?"

she timidly asked as taehyung replied without turning to her.

"upstairs, in his office."

and the girl halted. office. in the mansion. well if there was she hadn't seen it..... yet.

"office?........ he has a home office?"

"yeah, the last door to the left of the corridor. you haven't been there yet."

"I did once but I returned from the door. I still haven't seen the whole of the mansion though."

taehyung chuckled. let's hope you never do. he silently thought while pouring the hot coffee into his mug. he knew that she was aware of their identities but he never wanted her to witness them in that state. he had gotten attached to her and treated her like his little sister. he didn't want her to witness the monstrous side of them. especially jungkook. 

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