Chapter No 32

735 32 10

author pov.

the morning sun witnessed the two humans, cuddled up softly in the blankets, with no sign of waking up anytime soon. the serene silence getting disrupted by the sounds of the world awakening around them but the room maintained its peace for the couple. 

the woman shuffled a little underneath the covers waking up from her slumber. rubbing her eyes she opened them slowly only to be faced by the human form of a bunny. her husband, softly wrapped in the blanket, his face squished between the pillow making his pink lips pout, with his lip ring the combo was weird but he still looked so serene, so peaceful.

she gazed at his sleeping face her heart swelling at the cute scene of him sleeping as if he had no worries in the world. well, he probably might have more than a normal human. taking a deep breath in, her hand raised up to caress his face noticing the little details. the mole under his almost hidden, a little scar on his cheek. her fingers gently ghosted over it not wanting to wake him up.

"I wonder how you got this" 

she whispered her gentle gaze at him. a sudden thought crossed her mind and she chuckled.

"You're so pretty......not a doll."

she mentally laughed at her own words and got up stretching a little, she got out of bed wanting to start the day. as soon as the bathroom door closed the man opened his eyes laying on his back and staring at the ceiling. her words still ringing in his ears. his hand went up to his cheek where hers was just now as a voice in his head spoke.

I'd probably be Anabelle if I were a doll.

jungkook came downstairs after getting ready, in the dining room he saw y/n setting the table and taehyung and jimin helping her along with Mrs. Yoon. he must say their attitude in the house changed a massive amount since she came here. not that he was an exception. registering his presence in the room y/n smiled.

"good morning" 

he just nodded and sat down taking a sip of his coffee. another change. sweetness. his meals turned sweet.  a little too sweet than he would like it. it was pancakes again today. as y/n sat beside him he spoke.

"Do you like sweets?"

his sudden question had y/nlook up a little shocked. it was the first time he ever asked her anything so she felt a little weird in her stomach nonetheless she responded with a smile.

" a major sweet tooth."

 "yeah... it's hard not to notice."

she nervously chuckled not sure if he meant that in a good way or not. he's been quiet the last few days... no scratch that he's always quiet just that the anger and frustration were a little too visible on his face so she was still a little cautious around him. they were still trying to get control over the whole blast situation and everything, which just didn't seem to settle down. meetings, in and out, and jungkook had his hands full then he plopped on the bed last night mumbling that it was under control..... a little.

"why?... don't you like them?"

"well... I certainly don't eat them this much."

"you should though, it might get you both off that black poison you love so much. ugh!" 

jimin grumbled, his hate for black coffee dripping out. he didn't like it... not even one bit but the other two however had a great craving for it almost every second. God knows how they even drink it without gagging. 

"and get ourselves diabetes, no thank you jimin. you can have them all you want but don't call us for your insulin shots."

"yah you--"

y/n chuckled upon their banter turning the table a little lively. they were almost finished with breakfast at this point. in all that, y/n remembered she had something to ask jungkook. she repeated the monologue in her head prying it would go the way she imagined. encouraging herself a bit she cleared her throat gaining jungkook's attention.

"I wanted to ask you something"

he raised an eyebrow at her silently asking her to go on with whatever it was and a little reluctant without the verbal affirmation, she still went on knowing he was listening.

"I want to meet the workers.... those who survived and the victims as well....if I can that is."


now that was a question she didn't prepare for. she was just fiddling with he fingers under the table, under his sharp gaze her mind just stopped functioning.

"i...don't know I just wanted to meet them and.... console them maybe."

"no need?

the answer came straight as if he had it ready on the tip of his tongue no matter the argument she proposed, it wouldn't change. she could tell. before she could retort anything to that jimin spoke up.

"let her meet them what's wrong with that? besides, you're going there anyways so take her with you."

"I'm not in the favor of going there myself and I'm certainly not taking her--"

"It's fine jungkook. take her with you."

taehyung stopped his words, knowing why he was rejecting taking her there. the striking conflict she's going to face there might throw her off and jungkook didn't want that....yet. he didn't want others to be shaping her opinion of him but also couldn't give her a proper reason as to why he didn't want her to go there.

he looked at taehyung, his eyes questioning him, and he nodded slightly silently answering his question. even if he didn't want that, just how long can he keep her at bay from everything? it won't be as easy as he thought it to be. he sighed 

"I'm waiting in the car."


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