chapter no 21

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author pov 

he was sleeping soundly cuddled between the blanket and pillows, lips pouted as his face rested on it his long hair spread in all directions. he looked so peaceful and warm. if anyone saw him now, they'll have a mental crisis over the man's duality.

well, the peace was only up until he turned to the other side and the sun rays hit him straight on the face ruining his sleep. he groaned and just at that time his alarm started ringing. He supported himself by his elbows, turned it off, and laid back down again.

his head turned to the other side brows frowning on finding the bed empty. he sat up, rubbing his forehead and pushing his hair out of his face, and just sat there for a few minutes. getting out of bed, he searched for his clothes for the day and prepared to have his first shower of the day.

he came out dressed in blue pants with a white shirt. standing in front of the mirror he dried his hair parting them to a side, grabbed his coat from the couch, and headed out. yes, he rarely put effort into his morning routine but damn he didn't need those glimmering products to be acknowledged or to intimate someone.

one stare from his Lazer eyes and you can wish your soul goodbye.

coming downstairs he was greeted by Mrs. Yoon and the others. as usual right? no, what he failed to notice were their somewhat nervous expressions. taehyung and jimin were both coming downstairs as well. their morning was relatively quiet. guess they didn't have anything to bicker about today.

"no, seriously what's so grand about that perfume of yours? what??!! can't you lend it to me, huh?"

"it is not for hoarding women you know, besides have your own cabin full of perfumes."

"but that's a limited edition"

"and it is mine. learn to use your own things for once."

or not. well, the two were unpredictable so you never know. jungkook just sighed as the two took their seats. breakfast, already served.

"is it really hard to have a quiet morning for you two?"

"good morning to you too, jeon and, no it's not, just that someone can't live without his daily dose of tongue practice."

yah-- you--

"jimin I need the files for the project finalization. make sure the amount is back in the account."

jimin was silenced at that. thinking about what he referred to, collecting his memory before responding. 

"It's done jeon. what about you tae?"

jimin inquired taking a bit of his pancake.


taehyung replied focusing on his breakfast. jungkook nodded at that and took a bite from his own plated and halted. his tastebuds instantly detecting the intrusion in taste. the view of it should've been a dead give away but it took him a bite to realize the difference.

it was......sweet.

"who made this?"

 he instantly questioned the change in taste. he wasn't the one to easily trust anyone even his maids because he wasn't in charge of women. his meals and stuff were especially taken care of by Mrs. Yoon. he trusted his guards though because they were under his command and he trained them along with taehyung.

"ah... master that--"

 before Mrs. Yoon could respond her words were cut off by another voice.

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