Chapter No 07

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author pov

the morning rays of the sun shone over the horizon giving birth to a new day, a new time, a new life. the house was brought to life as well with the clink-clank of pans and pots, signaling someone was up way before the maids.

 "miss y/n what are you doing here?"

the head maid's voice had her head turning around a smile curving on her lips. 

"oh, good morning Mrs park."

she casually greeted and went back to the breakfast she was working so hard on. the maid hurried over and tried to take over her task not wanting to displease their grandmaster.

"miss y/n please, you shouldn't be doing this. i'll make it for you."

"it's not for me, it's a sorry package for someone,"

she said and moved over to another side for a pan but before she could, the maid handed it to her to which she smiled and let her help.

"sorry package, for whom? ah is it Han?"

she answered her own question helping the girl with the breakfast because according to time, Han was going to be here any minute and he certainly didn't like y/n to be cooking for him. not that she was a bad cook but he didn't want the one he was working for to be doing chores for him. he wasn't on their level but guess someone had different thoughts on that.

"yup, I really had him all drained out on that shopping yesterday. it's the least I could do to make up for it."

she said flipping the last pancake and turning off the stove after it was done. putting them on a plate and taking her time decorating them with berries and maple syrup.

cream cheese pancakes with strawberries just how he liked.

 when done with that she turned to make him a drink and instead of the usual tasteless coffee she decided to make him something else this time.

"just how sweet are you miss y/n you care for us so much."

the head maid let out seeing the girl running around the kitchen for the breakfast of her butler while it should be the other way around. she stopped for a moment and turned to her, stepping closer and giving a gentle squeeze on her shoulder.

"you all take so much care of me as well right so what's wrong if I do the same hm?"

the head made chuckled in response and just gave up there knowing it was a fruitless argument. especially against her.

"Now if you can take this to the table while I get his drink ready because if I served him he'll just scold me and then spend his whole day hungry."

she turned back to her drink while the head maid took that plate of pancakes to the table on the other end of the kitchen. that was for all the maids to have their meals of the day. 

"good morning"

Han's voice sounded in the kitchen as he rushed in, his suit jacket in his hand, phone in the other probably doing something. his hair, still wet and messy gave off his freshly showered look as he sat on the table immediately digging in his breakfast while still on the phone. one bite and he halted looking at his plate instantly picking up the different taste. a drink slid right next to his plate as he looked up to see y/n smiling at him her hair falling on one side as she tilted her head.

"good morning "

"how many times---

"Have I told you no to do any chores or stuff for me, i know I know, but that's a sorry package so you'll have to take it."

she said taking a seat beside him with orange juice in her hand.

"I worked hard on it so no takebacks."

he could see she was firm on having him eat it so he quietly obliged. honestly, he was a fan of y/n's cooking. it was just different and really delicious from his daily meals. he'd rarely get a chance on having her hand-cooked meals but when he does he'd try to savor every bite of it.

"what the hell are you doing here"

oh bummer 

Se-Ri was standing at the kitchen entrance peering at y/n who hurriedly got up hearing her yelling first thing in the morning. not a fan of it really. Han was about to get up as well and go get ready but y/n held him back by the shoulder. 

"finish it"

she whispered as she went to put her glass of juice on the kitchen island while all the other maids just worked to set the breakfast in the dining hall now that Se-Ri was here their scolding was confirmed.

"do you not--"

"I understand every time when you tell me that but I just can't help it. besides Mrs. Kim, he is my butler so you shouldn't be worried about anything I do for him."

she politely cut her words already knowing what she was going to say. it had almost become a daily routine for y/n. She just casually spends time with the housemaids and Se-Ri just belittles them every chance she gets.

"they need to stay within their limits and why do you keep forgetting that you belong to someone else? shouldn't you be focusing on your fiance rather than your measly butler?"

she hissed gritting her teeth at the girl who was standing there lost at that. fiance. oh, she was engaged alright. the last strand of her freedom was now cut as well.

y/n pov

I just stood there at a loss of words at that. she was right. I should be focusing on my fiance. the relationship soon to be built within me and him. that should be of more importance than my butler. but I couldn't. I couldn't give my time to someone who wasn't my choice, who wasn't interested in what I wanted. this was where I felt powerless. so powerless I couldn't even say no when she proposed the idea of my engagement. why?


just because this was the only thing grandfather ever asked of me. how could I refuse? he wanted me to be with someone he could trust and what better option than family but it baffled me. he had always kept me away from them since I was young saying I was too innocent and simple for them so why now? but my questions remained unanswered.  

"go to your room and fix yourself. I don't want to see this fucked up face of your's first thing in the morning."

her eyes went behind me to the maids with a scowl on her face. 

"move it!!! tch, can't even do one proper thing. ruined my damn mood."

she gave one last glare and went away to the dining hall. a second of silence and all the maids went back to work not wanting to hear more of her cursing them out. I just stood there letting the impact of her words wash out before taking a deep breath.

come on y/n cheer up it's a bright day. you have food, you have friends, you have family, be thankful, be happy and forget about her.

I silently recited it in my mind. it was a coping mechanism at times when I couldn't let it out. and I had always gotten through. just don't know how much longer I'll be able to.

"Han if you're done please drop me off at the art gallery"

"but you're breakfast--"

"it's fine I'm not hungry just give me 10 min I'll be ready."


don't forget to vote and comment. 

also, ignore the grammar mistakes.

hope it's not too boring I'm still a newbie so I don't really know what I'm doing here but at least it's something😆

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