Chapter No 25

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author pov

the couple arrived fashionably late sweeping everyone off their feet at how ravishing they looked together. the men smirked at the gem the jeon had won while the women were filled up with jealousy at how beautiful y/n was. no one in the underworld imagined him getting married. Ever.

and now that he was, that too with the granddaughter of the former mafia ruler they all lost bets. jungkook strode in confidently while y/n felt a little timid about all the stares she was getting. the wedding had gone better than this and now she was just hoping to get through this safely. because if she was to say, the stares were anything but welcoming.

"y/n my dear"

her grandfather's voice filled with utmost happiness seeing his little girl was what eased her up a bit as she smiled and hugged him. parting away he kissed her forehead.

"how are you doing hun? it's only been a week and I missed you so much don't know how I'm going to live for the rest of my life." 

he laughed at his own words as a smile spread on the girl's face as she held his hand gently caressing them.

"I'm good, grandpa. how about you? and where is han? didn't he come with you?"

"looks like you missed him more than me ,huh!" 

he teased again to which y/n chuckled.

"Because I left him in charge of you that's why. "

"oh, he's here just going around doing stuff. so jeon... how are you?"

"that's new coming from you. where's the usual "you-bastard-where-were-you" greeting?" 

Woo-Bin chuckled while y/n eyes widened at that. they knew each other well she was aware but was that really how her grandfather addressed him?

 "the relationship changed jeon. now you are my grandson-in-law as well."

before y/n could intervene in their talk she was greeted by the one she was asking for a minute ago along with the bickering duo. or so she liked to call them.

"miss y/n"

han bowed and y/n warmly smiled at him.

"you're really not going to let go of it, are you?"

she teased only to receive a flat smile from Han.

"the respect doubles, now that you're married. besides, I'm not really fond of offending people's spouses."

he taunted

"Oh yes, I know, I know. you must be really happy now that I'm gone arent you."

 she taunted back. right now both of them were over the roles of jimin and tae. the said men chuckled over their banter.

"oh yes very. now I'm permanently off from learning how to be a housewife every day."

 he remarked to which all of them burst out laughing as y/n elbowed han in the stomach but the latter dodged. 


"- enough of you two, you're not planning on spending the party standing here, are you?"

her grandfather stepped in and they both quieted down. y/n snuck her tongue out to him while han just chuckled really enjoying her company after a week might even be his last time seeing her like this. all this while jungkook was just quietly observing her.

jungkook pov

I was observing the both of them quietly until Woo-Bin stopped both of them and signaled them to come into the hall and meet the others. I felt it. the contrast in her personality with certain people. for the past week, I had always seen her as the conserved and quiet type even though tae and jimin were always talking at the dining table whenever they got time.

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