☆ The Alpha ☆

Start from the beginning

"All right. How did you find him?" Stiles said getting excited and still leaning forward. Derek gave him a look before shaking his head and looking over at his window.

"Can you try to trust us for at least half a second?" Vivian asked over Derek's whole moody bullshit.

"Yeah, all of us." Stiles said making Derek glare at him and lean closer. Stiles backed up slightly. "Or just them. I'll be back here."

"Look the last time I talked to my sister, she was close to figuring something out." Derek explained reluctantly. "She found two things. The first was a guy named Harris."

"Our chemistry teacher?" Tara asked confused.

"Why him?" Scott asked leaning forward.

"I don't know yet." Derek said getting more annoyed at the questions.

"What's the second?" Stiles asked leaning forward and butting Scott out of the tiny window between the seats.

"Some kind of symbol." Derek said holding an unfolded paper with a crest of some kind on it. Scott took one look at it and banged his head on his seat.

"What? You know what it is?" Derek asked looking back at Scott.

"I've seen it before on a necklace." Scott said sighing.

"Allison's necklace."


"This is gonna be impossible, you know." Scott said as Tara, Stiles, and Vivian walked into school with him

"Why don't you just ask her if you can borrow it?" Tara suggested as she squeezed through the door that was about to shut.

"How?" Scott asked looking over at her.

"It's easy. You just say. 'Hey Allison can I borrow your necklace to see if there's anything on it or in it that can lead me to an alpha werewolf that I need to kill in order to get back together with you.'" Stiles suggested breaking out into a smile shortly after saying it

"You're not helping." Scott said back.

"Why don't you just talk to her?" Vivian asked the farthest away from Stiles.

"She won't talk to me." Scott stated. "What if she, like, only takes it off in the shower, or something?"

"That's why you ease- That's why you ease back into it, okay. Get back on the good side, remind her of the good times. Then you ask for the necklace." Stiles explained as they stopped in the middle of the hall, Scott zoning out halfway through.

"You're thinking of her in the shower, aren't you?" Vivian asked smacking him in the shoulder.

"Yeah." Scott said only looking a little ashamed.

"All right, stay focused, okay?" Tara said grabbing his shoulder. "Get the necklace, get the alpha, get cured."

"Get Allison." Stiles added helpfully. "In that order okay?"

Vivian nodded at him and then started to walk away without a goodbye. Tara followed after her while Stiles went the opposite way.

"What happened?" Tara asked when she caught up.

"What do you mean?" Vivian asked playing dumb.

"Don't do that V, you're better than that." Tara said. "I'm talking about you and Stiles. He dropped me off at his house before going to yours and was gone for an hour and a half. You two seem fine on the outside but something's changed."

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