Chapter 62: Room to think

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Dream POV.

“Tomorrow night at 7pm sharp, I will tell you. Before that you know nothing, and remember what happens to Bad if you don’t turn up.” Without waiting for any answer Wilbur hung up, leaving me standing in silence with the rest of the stupid superheroes and my stupid traitor friends as well.

“That’s what we are going with?” I asked with a scoff. “Walk straight into a trap and hand over three teenagers on the off chance that it might be your friend?”
“Dream,” George muttered, stepping closer to me and grabbing my hand. “Please, I know that you might hate me, and think this is a bad idea, but this is for my friend.”

His brown eyes shone hopefully, probably wanting me to agree with him, however I shrugged him off as I pulled my hand from his. “I’m sorry George, however I can’t trust this. I need some room to think.”
None of them stopped me as I walked out of the room with my head hung low.

I honestly was confused by all of these guys. They switch up personalities so fast it is honestly insane. They are all about protecting as many people as they can but now they are sending three teenagers to trade for one other superhero. I can only imagine Techno rolling over in disgust from wherever his body is laying.

“Clay? Do you know what all that yelling was about?” When I heard that voice I turned to glance in the direction it came from, seeing Tommy standing in the doorway of his room. “Phil wouldn’t let me listen to whatever was going on in there.”

For a moment I considered pretending I couldn’t hear him, going into Techno’s room which Phil reluctantly let me use. But I couldn’t help but feel a sense of remorse as I looked at the blond, standing there uncertain of what was going on, and so I reluctantly convinced myself to tell him.

I looked into his eyes which were looking at me with an expression mixed of both worry and confusion, before exhaling slowly. “Wilbur has BadBoyHalo.” I told him. Then I lowered my voice so that he couldn’t hear. “If that is the real BadBoyHalo.”
“Wait… he does?” Tommy asked, his worry multiplying as his face paled.

“Seems so,” I responded. “He said that in order to get Bad back we need to give him you, and Tubbo, and Ranboo.”
“Really? He wants the three of us? Do you know why?” I looked into his eyes and saw that they were glistening with tears, clearly showing his fear.

It made me feel bad, after all he was going to be used as a trade to his brother who had kept him locked in his room like an animal. “I don’t know why he wants you,” I spoke while shaking my head. “Phil doesn’t want to lose you though, he is against the idea.”

As I examined him it was almost as if I could see the cogs turning in his mind as he thought, and I couldn’t help but wonder what those thoughts were. I didn’t say anything though because it felt like it would be wrong to do so, however after a moment he spoke up again.

“I want to do it,” he decided, which confused me greatly. Did he mean that he wanted to be used as a switch so that Philza and the other heroes could get Bad back?
“What do you mean you want to do it?” I questioned back in order to try and get the answer to what I had asked myself.

He repeated himself, once again saying ‘I want to do it.’ then he elaborated. “I want to be able to do something for Bad, because he, and Karl, and George have all done a lot of stuff to help me over the years. It’s only fair if I end up doing the same for them.”
“But you’ll be taken again, do you want that?” I honestly was curious.

There was a shrug from the blond as he buried his hands in his pockets, moving his gaze away so he was no longer looking at me. “Wilbur won’t hurt me,” he stated. “The worst he’s done is lock me in a room for a couple of days, but I managed to get out both times that he did. On the other hand he’d kill Bad.”

“You’d really be willing to do that?” I asked, somehow hearing the teenager be so willing to give himself up for the safety of his friends reminded me of Techno, and of the old Wilbur, two of my best friends who would have done the exact same thing. Look where that got both of them though.

“Yes, I want to do that. Because I want to be a superhero, and superheroes save lives. It’s what Techno would have done.” Techno’s mention made me smile. I couldn’t help it. He had been my best friend growing up, and I could see his likeness appearing in the blond, but at the same time I could also see Wilbur’s likeness, something that I wasn’t so happy about.

“What about your two friends?” I continued, and with every sentence I felt the anger in myself melting away and instead focusing on Tommy. After all he might want to help but they might not want to. “Would they want to let themselves be taken by Wilbur? They do have their own lives that they don't want to risk losing.”

“They’d be fine with it,” Tommy reassured, “plus they have powers too, and Philza taught both of them some basic fighting skills.”
“I think that I have heard something about the superpowers.” I admitted, nodding along with him as I remembered what Wilbur had said on the call.

The blond continued to look at me curiously, and I didn’t even realise what I was doing until I grabbed two weapons off my belt and offered them out to him. “Take these,” I instructed, watching as Tommy seemed even more shocked. “If Wilbur tries anything and you want to get out of there a knife and a gun will be handy.” I continued.

With a firm nod Tommy took my advice, taking both of the weapons and pocketing them, and I could only hope that he was smart enough to not shoot himself. His grin appeared on his face as he looked up at me and he began again, “I promise that I will help-”
“Tommy.” Philza cut him off as he wandered down the hallway, causing us to divert our attention.

“Phil?” The teenager responded awkwardly, shoving his hands into his pockets to hide the weapons. I glanced over at the Philza before immediately averting my gaze, deciding to let them talk about whatever it was they wanted to.

Quickly I ducked into Techno’s room, hoping for some time to think when I saw George sitting on the bed with his arms crossed, immediately glaring at me.
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