Chapter 52: Rescued

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??? POV.

I managed to keep my composure as I approached the guards disguised outside of Wilbur’s base. I slowly moved closer to the man sitting on the bench before swiftly grabbing his shirt collar and using it to force him off the bench so he collided with my knee.

Blood began gushing out of his face as he attempted to pull a handgun out of his pocket, but I stepped on his hand, crushing the bones and making him scream out in pain. He ditched his attempt of grabbing a weapon and instead moved to cradle his injured hand, muttering incoherent complaints under his breath.

By now the ‘homeless woman’ noticed what was going on and stood up, holding a gun herself as she immediately charged at me, lifting her gun to begin firing. I had prepared for this though, and the hand that was still holding the collar of the other guard's shirt jolted up, making the man a human shield against bullets.

As his blood splattered out of his body, covering the girl who had run to attack me, and she screamed at the fact. Then she stumbled backwards as the body was thrown at her and I took the chance to knock her out. She collapsed on the ground under the weight of the man and from the force that I knocked her with.

For a moment I paused to grab both her gun and the other man's gun, pocketing one inside of my hoodie before going into the building where the teen was located. Thank god for that because it was difficult for me to get this hoodie and so I would rather not get it damaged.

I opened the door to the building quietly, wincing as I heard the squeak as it opened. Nobody was inside though, so I took it as a good sign and continued making my way through the dimly lit building. Nobody else had heard the gunshots from outside somehow, but that wasn’t my problem.

My body was pressed against the wall as I rounded every corner, just in case one of Wilbur’s henchmen were around any of them. The handgun was loaded in my grasp although I was reluctant to use it if I came across anybody, mainly since I knew anybody who was in the building would hear the sound of it going off.

Eventually I made my way upstairs and found the door to what I believe Tommy’s room was, and without a second thought I kicked it open, causing the loud sound to reverberate through the halls. The teenager was sitting there in shock as he stared at me, I wasn’t sure if it was because I had actually turned up or because of how I did it, but he was shocked nonetheless.

“Come on,” I told him, offering my hand out for him to take. “Let's get out of here before Wilbur or any of his other goons turn up.” The blond just nodded in response as he accepted my hand and we ran out of the room.

Tommy POV.

Ten minutes had passed, no sign of the man who had originally come to save me. In fact, I was starting to believe that maybe he wasn’t coming back. Maybe the stranger worked for Wilbur and went to warn him, just like I initially feared. Or maybe he just didn’t want to help, he thought saving me was a waste of time and decided to just forget about me and go on with his day.

As I listened cautiously I swore that I could hear loud noises coming from somewhere in the building, and I was immediately worried about what the loud noises might be for. Part of me thought that it could be something to do with the man that I had asked to help me earlier, but another part of me knew that it couldn’t be him.

When the noises finally died down I was shaking, terrified about whatever had happened out there. I was terrified, worrying that Wilbur would come and get mad at me if he found out what happened. He hadn’t physically hurt me yet, but I worried what would happen if he found out I was partially responsible for an attack on his home base.

Footsteps approached from the other side of the door as my breathing began picking up, since after all this was it. I felt myself whimper, it felt like this was going to be when I died, although I didn’t know why it felt like that.

I just wanted to go back to Phil, to be able to spend time with him and not be stuck here with Wilbur. I wanted to see Ranboo and Tubbo and be able to play video games with them (I would even settle with going to school with them). I wanted to be able to watch movies and play board games, and annoy Karl and George.

The door was suddenly kicked open, making me jump back, pressing myself into the corner as far away from whoever was there as possible. My head was buried in my hands as they approached me and grabbed my shoulder, shaking it lightly. This touch was too nice to have been Wilbur’s, I concluded, and so I glanced upwards.

It was the man from the alleyway. I couldn’t see most of his face still, only him lips and below. But I recognised him because he was wearing the same hoodie, and I noticed he was holding a gun. “Are you okay?” He asked in a familiar voice, however I was too distracted to focus.

“I’m fine.” I responded, trying to ease my shaking as I stood up and pulled him into a hug. It wasn’t something that I normally did, however I just felt so relieved, muttering thanks to the saviour who finally got me out of my room.
“You’re welcome,” he responded. “Now how about I help you get home?”

I nodded at him, wanting nothing more than to head back to Philza, and George, and Karl, and Ranboo, and Tubbo. He helped me up and passed me a gun, saying that it would be able to help if I got separated from him. I didn’t say anything, as I pocketed the gun in my hoodie which I hadn’t been able to change in a couple of days.

The man led me down several back alleys as I gave directions, however it seemed that he knew where we were going just as well as I did as we headed towards the entrance of the HQ. Obviously I didn’t get the entire way there, stopping him a few streets early and telling the man that I lived in this area.

I turned to look at the stranger, passing him the gun back as I did. “Thank you,” I told him, possibly for the hundredth time in the past hour. He nodded in return without saying anything, then he turned and walked off, leaving me alone to watch as he disappeared into the street.
1204 words

Can confirm now for everybody that I have finished on Chapter 69!!! It was almost as if fate planned for this to happen.

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